Theatre Royal

James Boal as Escalus, Graham Mackay-Bruce as Duke Vincentio and Sam Stopford as Angelo in Measure for Measure, Bard in the Botanics. Photograph by Tommy Ga-Ken Wan

The final Bard in the Botanics has the uneasy tension of a 1970s Hollywood thriller
The sexual shenanigans of men in power have long been at the heart of the business of bad government. So it goes in Shakespeare’s so called comedy, in which the bard’s dissection of everyday morality and standards in public office are honed by director/adaptor Jennifer Dick into an intense 100 minute chamber piece. This gives the final Bard in the Botanics production of the season the uneasy tension of a 1970s Hollywood thriller. Like those, Dick’s production slow burns its way towards unresolved ambiguity in what remains very much a man’s world.
