Martin Freeman

Officer Chris Carson and his ex, Kate (Martin Freeman, MyAnna Buring) in BBC1 crime drama The Responder

Martin Freeman's Responder is a nerve-shredder but I wouldn't miss it for the world
Martin Freeman is back serving the nation in The Responder (BBC1, Sunday). Whatever your everyday stresses and woes, rest assured that compared to Chris Carson, “the angriest copper alive”, you, fella, are living the dream. What does Chris *not* have to complain about? He is on constant night shift. Separated from his cheating wife, who might be taking his beloved daughter from Liverpool to that London, he’s skint, depressed, possibly in the middle of a full-blown breakdown, and now someone is threatening hMartin Freeman is back serving the nation in The Responder (BBC1, Sunday). Whatever your everyday stresses and woes, rest assured that compared to Chris Carson, “the angriest copper alive”, you, fella, are living the dream.
