
Some of the staff and patients at the NHS Golden Jubilee in Clydebank

'It's not like Casualty' - Scottish hospital is the star of new Channel 5 series
In fact and in fiction, from Casualty to the latest ambulance reality series, the NHS is shown under strain if not in outright crisis. It is an accurate enough picture given many people’s experience, but it is not the one on show in The Hospital: Life on the Line (Channel 5, Monday). Filmed in the cardiology department at the NHS Golden Jubilee in Clydebank, this is the NHS of everyone’s dreams. Patients get treatment as soon as they need it in a hospital that’s clean, modern, and has lots of motivated staff on hand to aid patients’ speedy recovery. It’s a surgical Shangri-La, the likes of which we all hope is waiting for us when we need it.
