Alistair Darling

Scotland went to the polls on 18 September, 2014

Alison Rowat: cheers or jeers, how will you mark Scotland's indyref anniversary?
Regular travellers to Ayr will know them. The bridge folk. They wave Saltires at the traffic, and every now and then a driver gives them a honk. Whether it is an ironic honk is unknown, just like their identities, to me at any rate. Every time I pass I make a mental note to stop one day and ask, but something else is always pressing, a deadline to be somewhere, and the moment passes. The road to Ayr is paved with good intentions. I thought of the Saltire crew the other day when writing about the 10th anniversary of the Scottish independence referendum. Can you believe that come September 18 it will have been a decade since Scotland was asked the big question?
