Jimmy Thelin will next week map out his aims for Aberdeen’s revival to players on a pre-season trip to Portugal, with a return to Europe sure to feature on his wish list.

The new Dons manager and staff have enjoyed a working week at Pittodrie familiarising themselves with the squad and new signings.

Last season’s group disappointed with a bottom-six finish, although a post-split rally under caretaker Peter Leven snared seventh place.

That won’t be acceptable for 2023/24 and, although reticent to be too specific about what might quantify success in his first season, Swedish coach Thelin knows that competing for a European place through league position is a must.

The 46-year-old said: “You cannot promise anything but we will have some talks with the squad when we go to the camp.

“My hope is that we take the steps and be stable on the European spots and try to achieve something.

“What I can promise is that we will do everything we can to get better and to grow as a team and a club.

“And, when you do that, that is when you get results. So we have to stick to that.

“Sitting here on the first day and promising a lot of things is not a good way.”

Thelin may yet need to deal with the loss of two main strikers from his Pittodrie pool.

Bojan Miovski and Duk are widely expected to be the subject of firm bids during the transfer window.

While 50 per cent of what Aberdeen bring in for the latter is due to Benfica, the Dons are set to profit from those shrewd acquisitions two years ago.

Thelin says he is in tune with the trading model at play in Pittodrie and hopes the club can continue to flourish in that framework with him at the first team controls.

He said: “It’s important for every club nowadays. It is crucial to keep growing, rebuilding and attracting new players here to see that they can take a journey.

“Aberdeen have already started; they’ve already sold some players. How they think about this is also one way that I like this job.

“Let’s see. But hopefully we can get some young players from here, develop them first of all and achieve something with us.

“Give something here - and then move on. But they really feel that they want to play here.”