We’ve got McGinn. Super John McGinn.

Quite where our talisman has been (on the pitch, anyway) in what we’ve witnessed of Scotland so far at Euro 2024 is becoming a serious cause for concern, though. The powerful midfielder was largely anonymous – at least in an attacking sense - during Wednesday night’s hard-fought 1-1 draw against the Swiss in Cologne, and it feels like the right time to raise this issue.

A disclaimer before we go any further – I’m not suggesting that Scotland’s shortcomings since qualification for the Euros was secured are because of the 29-year-old, far from it. However, it is no coincidence that the national team’s form has dipped along with his personal performances while wearing the dark blue jersey.

The Aston Villa midfielder has 67 caps for Scotland since making his debut under Gordon Strachan in March 2016. He’s contributed with 18 goals in that time, as well as 10 assists. He’s won countless free kicks, using the strength of his much-revered glutes to fend off opponents and protect the ball.

So far in Germany, much of what makes McGinn so super hasn’t been on show. Well, that is if we discount his hilarious Bavarian dancing antics during the team's welcome in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. He’s not necessarily done anything wrong. He’s not made any glaring errors in or out of possession, unlike some of his teammates. He’s filled his position in a satisfactory fashion. That’s the issue though. We need him to be a standout in order to succeed. He just can’t seem to get as involved as we require him to be.

The last time I filled these column inches I voiced concerns about McGinn’s lack of influence during a pre-tournament friendly match against Gibraltar. He was unusually quiet in that match, until, of course, he produced a fine cross for Che Adams to thunder home a terrific volley. I was hopeful it was just a case of him taking it easy, being guarded in his approach to avoid injury, and conserving himself for what is surely some of the biggest games he and his international teammates will ever compete in.

Given the evidence available following two of Scotland’s three Group A games, it’s quite clear that’s not the case. The attacking midfield’s effect has been more or less non-existent in comparison to the high standards set by himself, and what we’ve become so accustomed to seeing from McGinn in a Scotland top.

He’s our main man, our golden boy. Everybody loves him – and little wonder – it’s more than justified. He instills belief into fans, he makes you proud to be Scottish when you see what it means for him to represent his country. He is full to the brim with enthusiasm and above all else, you can tell he’s a good person, who leads his life in the right way. The footage of him spending time with kids at Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity is a lovely, pure example of this. Heartwarming is probably the best way to describe it.

Supporters adore him, and he has the backing of every single person who wants Scotland to do well. They don’t collectively sing his name at the top of their voice for no reason. I suppose this is what brings on this sense of disappointment surrounding his recent performances.

"On Wednesday, you'll see a different Scotland. A team with a point to prove, probably more to ourselves than anything else. Seeing the amount of Scotland fans in Munich, that's the disappointing thing, feeling like we've let them down. We can't forget the opportunity is still there."

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These were McGinn’s thoughts after the dreadful defeat in Munich. He was proved correct, there was a massive reaction from the players. It was much needed, and quite frankly, anything less, after being thumped for five, wouldn’t have been accepted by the Tartan Army. His quotes back my sentiment that he embodies the Scottish people. He carries the weight of their hopes, and even weighty expectations.

Perhaps it is unfair to mark McGinn down against stronger criteria than some of his compatriots. Please take it as a back-handed compliment though, John. That’s just based off him putting in big performance after big performance when it’s mattered in the past. Fingers crossed he’s just saving that sort of moment for Sunday, with the scoreline reading ‘Scotland 1 Hungary 0 – McGinn, 87’. We’d all take that in a heartbeat.

The obvious answer is yes, McGinn should retain his place and start in Stuttgart. It was just worthwhile noting that his influence has diminished over the course of the past nine games or so, and unfortunately, that has carried into the tournament.

If he were to be replaced wide left of the attack, with Scott McTominay on the right behind Che Adams, then Ryan Christie is the obvious option. It’s his most natural role to best allow his talents to come to the fore. Kenny McLean – who impressed during his substitute appearance on Wednesday after replacing Billy Gilmour - could also fill in.

Thankfully, any decisions over team selection fall at the manager’s doorstep. And I would fully expect the head coach to pick the former St Mirren and Hibernian player come Sunday at 7pm when the team sheet is released to the public. He is Stevie Clarke’s man, after all.