Rangers' summer spending under Michael Beale will not hinder the club's plans to strengthen the squad this winter.

That's according to chairman John Bennett.

Philippe Clement has hinted that there will be some movement in the upcoming transfer market for the Ibrox club, as he looks to chase down Celtic at the top of the Premiership.

His predecessor, Beale, was heavily backed during the summer, as he completely rebuilt the first-team squad.

With things not going to plan so far this season, many fans believed another rebuild is already required.

With new director of football recruitment Nils Koppen fresh in the door also, fans will be hopeful of seeing some new faces in the door sooner rather than later.

There have been some worries that the funds won't be there though, due to the amount spent by Beale in the summer. 

However, Bennett has moved to allay these fears at the club's AGM today.

He said: "It will not cause us any problems like we suffered ten years ago. That’s over. I wouldn’t worry about our summer spend and what Philippe wants to do.

"I want our fans to know it’s a process. It’s not about backing an individual anymore. Please rest assured the summer spend will have no bearing on where we want to take this club."

It comes as Clement insists there will be no raft of changes at Rangers in January.

The Belgian has revealed that there will be no major surgery to his first team squad, however, did admit that a few 'right' calls need to be made, with the summer the most ideal point to address recruitment.

READ MORE: Clement dismisses idea of major Rangers transfer changes

Clement has hinted that there will be no faces in the door in the upcoming transfer window, but he has explained that there are still opportunities available to those already in the building to prove themselves.

"Reshaping it in January is much more difficult than in the summer, that's the reality in football with every club so I'm realistic about that," he said. "The idea is to do something but it will not be a lot of things, it needs to be the right things."