IT agitated Scotland assistant John Carver. It left the Tartan Army in fits of irony-laden laughter. But Rodri’s salty response to Spain’s humbling at Hampden fell on deaf ears among the players within Steve Clarke’s dressing room.

The Manchester City man failed to get backs up within the Scotland squad with his comments besmirching their style after Spain’s surprise defeat in March, with Lyndon Dykes revealing that the only thing concerning the Scots was the three points they safely – and deservedly – tucked into their back pockets.

And amid all the talk of the Spaniards thirsting for revenge in Seville this evening, the only thing occupying the minds of the visiting players in the Estadio de la Cartuja will be taking the first opportunity to finish the job of qualifying for next summer’s European Championships.

“It is what it is, and they can say what they want,” Dykes said.

“We got the result on the night. They were expected to go out and win that game and they didn’t.

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“Rodri is a great player who plays for a great club. He has done amazing things in his career. He made the comments and I’m sure he will be coming out to prove a point in the next game. We have to make sure we are 100 percent. Time will tell.

“We have been doing that the whole campaign. We have been improving game by game and proving everyone wrong.

“But, we have done that by focusing on ourselves and not worrying about what other people are saying.

“When you get on a run like ours you want to keep it going for as long as possible.

“It is an amazing run and it has taken a long time to get where we are now. We have worked hard, but we are not quite 100 percent there yet.

“We have to make sure we are switched on as it will be a difficult game over there. It was a tough game at Hampden when we had the home support.

“I’m sure they will be out for a bit of revenge, so we have to make sure we are focused as we have been throughout this campaign."

The most emphatic riposte to Rodri’s bitter outburst, according to Dykes, would be expressed on the pitch tonight.

The Scots certainly won’t be messing with the formula that has so far seen them win five games from five in the section, and if that puts Spanish noses out of joint, so be it.

“I think we have already made a statement,” he said.

“People are aware of what we have been doing.

“In camp we have to make sure we don't get too ahead of ourselves. We want to make sure we qualify for the Euros. It is close and everyone thinks we are there, but it is still not certain.

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“It would be a massive achievement, there is no hiding away from that. We are proud of where we are, and we should be proud of what we have done. But we want to make sure we keep doing that.

“All the players loved the last Euros and we got a sniff of what it could be like.

“Now we are in a great position to do it again, so we want to get it over the line.”

Dykes has shown throughout his 32 Scotland caps to date that he is willing to run through brick walls for his country, but he is also willing to play in any position, up to and including throwing on the gloves if it comes to it.

Dykes joked that he may look to prolong his international career by transitioning from a number nine to a number one, after he kept a clean sheet for club side Queen’s Park Rangers when replacing the injured Asmir Begovic at the weekend.

“I’ve been waiting a long time to go in goals,” he said.

“Everyone who plays with me knows that and I always try to jump in goal at training.

“I made it look easy. I kept a clean sheet. Gunny (Angus Gunn), Big Zander (Clark) and Kels (Liam Kelly) better watch out as I am coming for them as well!

“(Olivier) Giroud went in the other day as well and made an amazing save and sometimes you have to make that sacrifice for the team.

“If anyone out there needs a keeper just let me know. It’s an easy job, You just save the ball and kick it!”

His job tonight, if selected in a lone striking role ahead of Che Adams, will involve the expension of a great deal more energy on Dykes's part. But after performing the role admirably in similarly sapping heat in Oslo in June as can be expected in Seville, that holds no fears.

And Dykes is sure that the way Scotland handled that away assignment in Norway will stand them in good stead to come away with a similarly positive result this evening.

“I think Norway was the hottest I’ve ever played in,” he said.

“That was a long day in some heat. But, we did it over there so we can do it anywhere else. We don't have to worry about the heat.

“It was a hard graft and we showed our quality when we needed it. It just showed the belief and character we have and it was one of the best feelings I’ve had on the pitch.

“It was even better afterwards seeing all the reaction of the fans and family on social media.”

Any sort of result for Scotland tonight, and Dykes's phone will once again be as sizzling as the most sozzled member of a delirious Tartan Army. 

Lyndon Dykes was speaking in Glasgow to celebrate the next wave of free McDonald’s Fun Football sessions launching this Autumn. McDonald’s Fun Football is the UK’s largest grassroots participation programme for 5-11 year-olds. Find your nearest free session at