The recent success, both at elite and grassroots level, of Scottishathletics has been rewarded with yet another long-term sponsorship deal for the governing body.

Scottishathletics has confirmed a three-year extension to their sponsorship agreement with the law firm, Lindsays, which will extend the firm’s support of the governing body to 12 years.

The Lindsays Cross Country Season, which covers district and national events each winter, will now run through to the end of the 2025-26 season.

Cross-country events in Scotland have boasted some impressive entry figures in recent seasons, regularly running well into the hundreds, with the 2022 Lindsays Short Course XC having over 1000 finishers.

This new sponsorship deal will, believes scottishathletics’ chief executive, Colin Hutchison, help strengthen the sport further.

“'We’re very pleased to announce a further three years of support for the Lindsays Cross Country Season,” he said.

“Lindsays first became involved in our sport back in 2014 so to commit to seeing that through now to 2026 is hugely encouraging for us.

“The aim at that time was to try and grow numbers at our National Cross Country events and that’s very much been happening. During the sponsorship, District Relays and Masters events have been added to the roster.

“Covid of course had an impact in 2021 but the numbers since the return have been very good indeed and clubs responded.

“The support from Lindsays helps our event presentation and our media/comms around events like the National XC. Last year, we added digital programmes for big events and highlights on YouTube.

“We are all excited about another season starting and the continued backing from Lindsays.”