Aberdeen have confirmed that European Cup Winners' Cup medals for those who did not receive one back on that famous night in Gothenburg will be delivered this spring.

Players and staff - including Sir Alex Ferguson - who did not get recognition for the achievement will be awarded medals as part of the club's 40th-anniversary celebrations.

On that historic evening back on May 11, 1983, only the starting players and five substitutes received winners’ medals.

However, thanks to a committed effort by Chris Gavin on behalf of the AFC Heritage Trust, along with UEFA delegate and former Dons chief executive, Duncan Fraser, UEFA have agreed to provide six additional medals.

These will be given to legendary manager Sir Alex Ferguson, assistant boss Archie Knox, and midfielder Dougie Bell who missed out on a place in the squad due to injury.

A medal will also be presented to the Donald Family in recognition of the director, Ian Donald, and his father and late chairman, Dick Donald. The same accolade will also be granted posthumously to former vice-chairman, Chris Anderson.

The same medal will be presented to the family of Teddy Scott, too. 

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With the request to manufacture additional medals received positively by UEFA, Neil Simpson’s medal from 1983 was sent to an official UEFA supplier so the six medals could be cast exactly as those received by the team in 1983.

Dons chairman, Dave Cormack said: “We are extremely grateful to Chris Gavin of the AFC Heritage Trust and Duncan Fraser for their tireless work on this special project which will now ensure Sir Alex, Archie, Dougie, and the Donald, Anderson, and Scott families are rightly recognised for the important part they played in the club’s success in 1983.

“The presentation of these medals during the Freedom of the City celebrations will give our supporters a further opportunity to play their part in recognising the inspirational achievements of these players and staff.”

Sir Alex Ferguson added: “It’s a great honour to be receiving this medal and I am grateful to everyone who has worked so hard to make this happen.

"Their efforts, along with the cooperation of UEFA are much appreciated. It’s also fantastic to see some of the wonderful people who worked tirelessly behind the scenes during this hugely successful period for the club now being honoured.”

The medals will be presented as part of proceedings at the special event planned for Pittodrie on Friday, May 12 at which Aberdeen Football Club and the Gothenburg Greats will receive the Freedom of the City by Aberdeen City Council.