CELTIC legend Henrik Larsson forced Gabby Agbonlahor to apologise to worldwide music star Louis Tomlinson after making him sick on the pitch in a friendly match.

The ex-Aston Villa striker revealed the Hoops legend was fuming with him after a tough tackle on the One Direction member.

The game was held in 2013 as a charity match at Parkhead for Stiliyan Petrov's charity following his battle with Leukaemia.

Agbonlahor took part in the match having played with the Bulgarian at Villa Park.

Tomlinson was also invited to play in the charity game, as he and Agbonlahor lined-up on different teams.

But one of the main talking points of the match was the ex-Villa ace clattering the music star, which then resulted in him being sick on the pitch.

Manager for the day Martin O'Neill was unhappy about the situation, while Celtic hero Larsson was also raging about Agbonlahor's behaviour.

The Herald:

Agbonlahor toold talkSPORT: “It was a game for Petrov’s charity.

"It was just a normal shoulder barge and because he’d been drinking the night before in the hotel he was a bit hungover.

“He was sick on the side of the pitch and Martin O’Neill wasn’t happy.

“After the game I got a telling off of Henrik Larsson.

"He was like ‘you have to apologise, come on. You don’t do that’.

“I was like ‘sorry mate I didn’t mean to’. It was a charity game yes but you don’t lose that edge do you?

“He wasn’t happy and I was like ‘calm down Henrik'."

He continued: “I was getting death threats off teenage girls.

"They were going ‘how dare you touch my Louis Tomlinson’ and I was just like ‘get me out of here’. [I was off to] Glasgow Airport, [thinking] let me escape in one piece.”