RANGERS' managing director Stewart Robertson has announced that season ticket holders at Ibrox are eligible for a £25 voucher for a range of services, in the event that the campaign's remaining matches cannot be played because of the ongoing lockdown.

The Glasgow club had at least four more home fixtures before the season was postponed, and now Rangers have ensured that their supporters are offered some form of compensation for the games that may not go ahead.

The small print for season tickets for Ibrox states that the club "cannot accept any liability for any expense incurred even in the event that the match is cancelled" but Robertson said he was keen to reward supporters for their patience and loyalty.

The £25 voucher can be used in a number of different ways; fans can buy tickets for cup, friendly, women's and legends games; put the money towards a MYGERS membership; pay for stadium tours; contribute towards a Rangers TV subscription; buy hospitality seating for a game; or put it towards one of the club's Soccer Schools progammes.

"On behalf of everyone at Rangers Football Club, I want to extend my sincere thanks for your continued support both during the current season and through the biggest challenge this country has faced in several generations," Robertson said.

"Your loyalty to Rangers will never be taken for granted, especially in tough times. With that in mind, we wish to reward you by freezing season ticket prices for season 2020/21. In addition, we have extended the closing date for applications to June 30.

"Your patience is greatly appreciated. We are all hungry for success on the field, and we are getting ever closer, while we have also continued to make significant steps off the field.

"Moving this year to a fully online system for season ticket renewals is another step to modernise our club and a further example of our desire to be the best in everything we do, on and off the field.

"I am also delighted to announce the launch of our new MYGERS membership, this will bring our supporters, both domestically and internationally, even closer to the club. This is another way to reward fans for their loyalty and support. MYGERS has been specifically designed to recognise and reward your loyalty, while I am also pleased to announce special memberships for our younger supporters through our Junior Gers programme.

"There has been significant progress over the past five years, and we are absolutely committed to making the next step – delivering silverware to Ibrox. That is why we are all here.

"Recent events have been challenging for everyone connected to the Rangers family; players, staff and supporters have all been affected by the events of recent months but we will emerge from these difficult times and it is our job to ensure that when we do, that the club is as ready and well prepared for the new season as is possible.

"This period in society has demonstrated what we are capable of when people work together. Indeed, the same is true at Ibrox. Without your support, we would simply not have been able to rebuild the club to the position we are now fortunate to find ourselves in. With your support we can take that next step."