Finishing the league now is doing Rangers a favour as Celtic would have won by 20 points says Chris Sutton, a major betting firm is preparing to call the Scottish Premiership null and void, and more from the world of sport. 

Celtic 'would have won league by 20 points' - Chris Sutton 

Pundit Chris Sutton has said that ending the Scottish Premiership season would be doing Rangers and Steven Gerrard a favour because Celtic would have won by 20 points. In his column in The Daily Record the former Celtic striker said: "It’s not UEFA who could hand Celtic the title on Thursday. Rangers had already done it. 

"With 13 points dropped and a nightmare exit to bottom-of-the-table Hearts in the Scottish Cup, hope and serious ambition among the Rangers fans had turned to despair and the anguish of knowing there was going to be another trophyless season.

"Gerrard has to carry the can. He and his players had underperformed to an astounding level. There were serious questions being asked by the supporters and with good reason." 

He added: "If I was Gerrard I would be quite happy at it ending now. He knew it was over anyway." (Daily Record

READ MORE: Alison McConnell: No real football fan wants to be handed a title without a party...

Petrov hails O'Neill influence

Stan Petrov has hailed Martin O'Neill for shaping his future career for management. In an exclusive with The Herald the former Celtic midfielder said: “Martin O’Neill was the one that I have really learned a lot from – how to keep things simple, how to manage people, how to communicate with people, with what is important in football,” says Petrov. “Gordon Strachan is another one, he is a man who had things down to every single detail. When you balance these two things and take the best of it, maybe you are going to come out with something unique that you can use to further your career – or my career.” (The Herald

Odsonne Edouard for Player of the Year?

Writers at The Herald and Times have given heir pick for the Player of the Year with Odsonne Edouard top of many journalists' lists. The journalists picked their Player fo The Year, Young Player and Goal of the Season. You can read their views here. (The Herald

Calls for investigation into SPFL

Kris Boyd has said that if the SPFL have nothing to hide then they should welcome an investigation into the vote to call the lower league season. In his column in The Scottish Sun. He wrote: "So here’s my question. Why does the SPFL not throw open their doors and allow such an inquiry to take place?

"If they have nothing to hide, if everything is clean and above board, then the truth will finally come out, and it’s Gers who will be left with egg on their face." He added: "There is a lot of work to be done if the authorities are to win back the respect and trust of its members.

"For me, the only way that can really happen is for that independent inquiry to take place." (Scottish Sun)

Anger at Bet365 over 'null and void' league

Bet365 have angered punters by stating that they have called the Scottish lower leagues null and void. The betting firm could also deem Celtic's title null and void and refuse to pay out on bets if the Scottish Premiership follows a similar course.

SPFL have best interest of Scottish football at heart 

"The SPFL are making the decisions on the best things for Scottish football - that's why 81% voted for it [calling the lower league season] and it's why we voted yes," says to Morton chief executive Dave MacKinnon. He added: “I understand they have an axe to grind and want to protect their club’s positions. But the other 81 per cent who voted for it have kept their powder dry.

“For example, John Nelms at Dundee is a decent guy and he as put in a invidious position where others were doing the talking for him. It’s been unfair." (Daily Record

Steven Maclean facing relegation and promotion

Steven Maclean was promoted with Raith but his parent club Hearts could be relegated in the same season. The frontman was this week crowned a League One champion while on-loan at Raith Rovers, but he still faces the dreaded drop from the Scottish Premiership with his parent club Hearts. 

“I obviously don’t want to see Hearts going down, but it is looking more and more likely that that is going to happen.

“Everyone is just hoping that there is some way that we can get back playing or at least have fate in our own hands. We are trying to stay positive, but it is a strange time. (The Herald)

Rangers backed to succeed under Parks

Gary McAllister has expressed confidence that Steven Gerrard will be able to build on the progress he has made at Ibrox next season under new chairman Douglas Park.

The former Scotland midfielder praised Dave King, who stood down last month after five years on the board, for the help he has given his former Liverpool team mate Gerrard since he took over as manager back in 2018. (The Herald)