SCOTT Brown has vowed to defy the snipers who have been saying his career at the highest level is over once again by leading Celtic to victory over Europa League play-off rivals AIK in Sweden tonight and Rangers at Ibrox on Sunday.

Brown gave away a penalty with a handball at a corner in the 4-3 defeat to CFR Cluj at Parkhead earlier this month that saw Neil Lennon’s side crash out of the Champions League in the third qualifying round for the second season running.

His all-round displays have also been criticised for his form in the 2019/20 by many supporters and pundits and when he was left out of the team for the Betfred Cup match against Dunfermline questions were asked about his ability to play two games in a week.

But the midfielder, who turned 34 this summer, has heard it all before. He is looking forward to the rematch against AIK and the Rangers game and has no doubts in his ability to deal with two intense fixtures in the space of four days.

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“There is always going to be negativity,” he said. “There are always going to be people who try and put you down. But we have a tight bunch of lads and we try not to read too much into any of it.

“We never dive in at that end and start fighting with each other. For us, it’s about doing our own jobs and making sure we win through.

“The reality is we had one little bad game. Everyone had jumped on the bandwagon about it but for us it’s football and it’s a long season. We need to make sure we keep going. If we can get through this game we could have a good season ahead of us.

“I feel okay and will just keep going until somebody eventually drops me off the edge of a cliff! Listen, I enjoy playing football and as long as I’m doing that the only person I’ll listen to is the manager.

“For me, as long as I’m picked to play I’ll continue to give my all. My form doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. Everybody else seems to think about me, but if we keep winning games and play well it doesn’t matter if I’m in the team or not. All the lads are in exactly the same position."

Brown added: “I’ve been hearing all this since I was 28. Listen, I have been rested a few times and it’s done me the world of good. It’s hard pushing through pre-season after 10 days’ holiday. But there are younger lads coming through who are pushing you. That’s what’s great about football, that competition. It keeps them going and it keeps me going.

The Herald:

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“I’ve heard my legs have gone? Everyone is going to say that. To be fair, I have got thick enough skin to deal with all that. For me, it is just about playing well, playing as much as I possibly can and enjoying my football.

“I play with a smile on my face more than anything now. I know my career is slowly coming to and end, but I still enjoy playing in front of 60,000 fans, I still enjoy winning and I always give 110 per cent.

“I have got two years left on my contract and I will be playing for those two years. I have still got a good 20 months left. You never know after that. We will see what happens, whether it is at Celtic or somewhere else. Whatever happens it kind of happens.

“For me, just now, it is about continuing to play with Celtic as long as I possibly can, getting us into Europe and winning as many games as we possibly can in the league.”