SO then, Pedro, what did you make of all that?

Quite a lot, you would have to imagine given what the Portuguese was served up on his first full day in the new job. The Rangers players, who he had yet to meet, showed him they are not quite the timid and hopeless lot many of their performances this season have heavily suggested.

And that their backbone isn’t as brittle as we all thought. Indeed, they showed they actually had a backbone in the way they got back into the game to take a point having been 1-0 down for so long.

If we take this Rangers display on its own then there is something to work on for Caixinha who sat in the same row as Dermot Desmond as a 1-1 draw full of passion, controversy and talking points played out in front of him.

The question Rangers fans will ask is where that determination and character has been?

My view, it was down to the fact they were managed by Mark Warburton a man whose shortcomings are being more exposed as the days go on.

Graeme Murty, an interim manager promoted from the under-20 set-up, has got more out of that group in five games than Warburton did until he left and he comes out of this period with huge credit.

And he’s given something for Caixinha to pick up. Had Celtic ran riot as many predicted then the first team meeting would have been far more awkward.

For once, form did go out the window. That Celtic should have had a penalty at the end is, of course, far from unimportant, but a draw was right. The league-leaders were well below their standards all game.

Celtic’s performance could be described as being on the smug side. Too many players seemed to think all they need do was turn up. That is never the case.

Scott Sinclair of all people couldn’t do a single thing right, Moussa Demeble had his worst game in a Celtic shirt while the least said of Erik Sviatchenko the better. The Danish defender had a nightmare.

Scott Brown was excellent. His levels never drop. The captain is something else.

For those wearing blue, Danny Wilson was excellent, Lee Hodson had a great game – why is he not in the team all the time – while Clint Hill had a big say at both ends. Both goalkeepers had good days as well.

So what does this tell us?

This was always going to be a much bigger game for Rangers. Their supporters had to see a performance from their players, which they got. Let’s not get carried away, this team is still average, but at least they turned up.

They showed guts and played some decent stuff at times. They were brave, at least braver, on the ball than previous matches against Celtic and without being brilliant gave the champions as much of a game as anyone else has this season.

As for Celtic, this might not have been the worst thing to happen to them. A wee kick up the bum is sometimes required even for the best sides.

Rodgers is all-but above criticism for what he’s given Celtic but he shouldn’t have started with Nir Bitton, this is not the fixture for him, and Leigh Griffiths should have been on earlier for a tired looking Dembele

In saying all that, Celtic remain unbeaten, are two games away from the title and are evens to win a treble.They will quickly get over two dropped points.

That Scottish Cup semi-final has become even more intriguing. Rangers will gain heart from his performance while Celtic will realise that this is not a match to treat lightly. It looked for all the world that a few did.

The game itself was actually pretty decent without being a classic of its genre. Referee Bobby Madden, whose performance will be discussed in more detail elsewhere, certainly helped in the controversial stakes.

And speaking of things we could do without. The Famine Song! Really? The nastiness which those of a clear mind attempt to ignore during the game remains as depressing as ever. The same chants, from both sides is actually more tedious than offensive.

But we will end with the actual football.

The draw meant Rangers cannot officially win the league. It's not the middle of March. That is unacceptable and the new manager can't allow another season like this one.

Celtic weren't at their best and could have won and probably would have had Madden given them a penalty.

It was arguably Rangers best performance of the season, it was without a doubt Celtic's worst in domestic football and the game still ended in a draw.

When the dust settled, the gap was as wide as ever. Caixinha has some work to be getting on with.