DAVID Haye has warned Tony Bellew to "enjoy his last couple of days" ahead of Saturday's fight between the pair.

The heavyweight, 36, has already been criticised for the severity of his threats ahead of their match-up at London's 02 Arena.

The British Boxing Board of Control also plan to discuss the fact he called sections of fans presents at Monday's press conference "f****** retards", for which he has already insisted he will not apologise.

Haye has frequently made controversial comments as he engages in mind games with his opponents, but unlike on Monday he appeared calm when he said: "Enjoy your last days. There's not going to be another day: this is the last day for you. That's it; it's over.

"I'm legally allowed to do as much damage [to] him as I can inflict for 36 minutes with 10oz gloves on.

"He says he's going to keep getting up: I hope that's the case. Make sure your little rat coach [Dave Coldwell] doesn't throw the towel in to try and save you for another day. Make sure your boy doesn't throw in the towel.

"He's got under my skin, he's chased me for a year and a half, really made things personal. I'll make sure he never, ever, ever does that again.

"He said something to me when we were face-to-face: that he wouldn't beat the old David Haye. Unfortunately the new David Haye is better than the old one – you're going to see a real destruction job."

Bellew has regularly accused Haye of not taking Saturday's fight seriously, believing his preparations in Miami have been too luxurious and involved too many distractions.

Haye had also implied on Wednesday he was responsible for starting reports he had suffered an Achilles injury in an attempt to unsettle Bellew, but he said: "I'm 36 years of age now. In the past I could get away with three or four hours' sleep a night and still bang out two hard [training] sessions. I can't do that anymore. I need a good nine, 10 hours. I'm aware of my body now, and I've got this fight right."

Bellew had responded to those reports by insisting Haye would use them as an excuse for the defeat he is expecting to inflict, and reiterated: "The main thing is no excuses. They've been put out there to the media. There's reasons why you've heard of injuries and stuff like that. We all get sore, we all get knocks and bumps – it's boxing. I don't want to hear any excuses at all.

"You are not a big heavyweight. You will show that on the scales [on Friday]. You're a big cruiserweight. You live in a fairytale world. He thinks he's bleeding John McClane [of the Die Hard films], this clown."