Last week I opened by saying that was a cracker of a match. This week it was great to get the win, but let’s just say it wasn’t as good to watch.

It was a turgid first half with lots of errors from both teams. For the first 20 minutes it looked as if Argentina didn’t want to be there.

People said they were jet-lagged when they played Wales last week, but it looked more like that was the problem this weekend because they just didn’t have much energy.

They have, over recent years, become a team that plays expansive, attractive rugby but we didn’t see any of that. However Scotland’s errors kept letting them get out of trouble, while in terms of the way we were looking to play at that stage our back three and even our centres weren’t getting a look in. I don’t think Tommy Seymour saw the ball. That’s disappointing after what we saw last week and the expectation that was generated.

By the end I think we have to admit that we were lucky to get as many chances as we got to win it.

In individual terms there weren’t many stand-out performers for Scotland either, but some of the the young guys did really well. Magnus Bradbury had a pretty good debut. He certainly didn’t do much wrong, while the energy Hamish Watson and Jonny Gray provide, working off the ball as much as when they’re on it, was exceptional and they did some great breakdown work with Watson winning some fantastic turn-overs.

In the second half the game came to life but mainly because Argentina looked far more alert and they were more imaginative than we had been when we had the upper hand in the first half.

When they did play they looked a bit more dangerous than we managed to in the back line.

Saying all that it took a lot of guts from Scotland to win the game. There were stages where it could definitely have got away from us, but towards the end there was a 10 to 15 minute spell where we finally looked dangerous and Hoggy nearly got away a few times.

He always carries a real threat, but we need to look at running cleverer lines off him because when he has the capacity to take people with him and stretch defences.

In terms of the missed opportunities, Finn was a bit unlucky with that late drop goal attempt that looked like being a costly missed opportunity when it was charged down. He never quite got hold of it and caught it a bit fat. If he’d got a bit of height on it a bit quicker it was straight over.

In fairness there was more at stake today as well because of the effect it had the potential to have on world rankings and seedings for the next World Cup and maybe that had an impact on how things went. In the end I believe a draw would have been a good result for us because it would have put us above them in the world rankings, but to get the win was important.

While we never really threatened, though, funnily enough it was a game I never really felt we were going to lose and it was great to get that win and be able to look ahead to playing against a different type of opposition next week, although we cannot afford to think that is going to be a walk in the park by any means.

This weekend has provided a bit of a warning. Italy have beaten South Africa and a really poor Wales team really shouldn’t have beaten Japan.

Georgia are pushing for a spot in the Six Nations. They think they are good enough to be there and their win over Samoa in Tiblisi this weekend will only reinforce that, so they will be coming over here with a real point to prove and it will be another big test. It will be a match that will place even more emphasis on getting it right in the scrum because that is one area in which they are very good.

That is our biggest issue at the moment. We don’t have the strength in depth in that area and that is being exposed. There were a couple of errors in the lineouts at key times too, some over-throwing or bad lifts and our kick-offs are not as good as they should be as well. We have to look at these areas because teams are getting to nick the ball too easily.

However there is evidence that Scotland are ready to stand up to physical opponents. There was a fair bit of niggle out there today, but Greig had said beforehand that we were on our patch and there would be no backward steps and they stood up well to the big Argentinians.