CLUB 1872 have written to the Rangers board calling for Celtic fans to be banned from Ibrox in the aftermath of Saturday’s Old Firm fixture.

Mark Warburton’s side lost the first derby of the campaign 5-1 at Parkhead as their Premiership title bid suffered another blow.

But the Light Blue legions have been left furious after pictures emerged of a display in the Jock Stein Stand.

A banner which read ‘This is it Bhoys, this is war’ was unfurled and two dolls – one wearing a Rangers scarf and the other an orange sash - round their necks were hung from the top tier of the stadium.

The vile stunt came on Suicide Prevention Day and has been heavily criticised by supporters of both clubs over the weekend.

Celtic are due to travel to Ibrox at Hogmanay for the second Old Firm showdown of the season and Club 1872 have urged the Gers board to ban Hoops fans from the game.

A statement read: “Club 1872 has reviewed pictorial and video evidence of the disgusting behaviour of sections of the Celtic support during the Old Firm game on Saturday.

“In light of this, we have today written to the Rangers board requesting that they ban Celtic supporters from Ibrox until Celtic can prove that they have taken substantive action against the Green Brigade and other overtly sectarian elements within their support.

“The Green Brigade has been cultivated, encouraged and rewarded by Peter Lawwell and the Celtic board for many years. So much so that at the beginning of this year they received their own standing section within Celtic Park. This is despite regular displays in support of active terrorist groups, anti semitic displays and sectarian displays.

“At the Old Firm game on Saturday the Green Brigade displayed sectarian banners which read “Kill All Huns” and “Know Your Place Hun Scum”. They also displayed banners in support of the IRA. This follows on from similar banners at last year’s Scottish Cup semi-final.

“They were joined by other Celtic supporters, in a separate part of the ground, who hung effigies of Rangers supporters with their hands tied behind their backs and ropes around their necks.

“These displays were disgusting, threatening, sectarian and criminal. The groups responsible are easily identifiable if the will is there to do so. The reaction of both Celtic and Police Scotland has so far been pitiful.

“They have been joined in inaction by the Scottish Government, media commentators and anti sectarian campaigners who are conspicuous by their absence. It would appear soundbites are only of value when those on the receiving end of offensive behaviour wear green.

“It is bad enough that our travelling support is subjected to such behaviour but it is another thing entirely to invite it into our own stadium. Peter Lawwell and the Celtic board have failed to act for years on sectarian, anti semitic and pro terrorist groups in their support.

“We believe the Rangers board has a duty to ensure that these groups of Celtic supporters are not permitted entry into our home under any circumstances. Since we do not expect any action from Celtic, the only way to ensure this is to ban all of their supporters from Ibrox.

“We would also remind our own supporters that damage to the toilets at Celtic Park will only see a financial penalty for our own club.

“The fact that this also happens at every Old Firm game at Ibrox is no excuse. Supporters should remember that in everything they do they represent Rangers and should act accordingly.”