The Cooperation Agreement with the Greens stipulates that its “cornerstone” is “mutual trust and good faith.”  

It’s clear from recent blistering attacks by Green MSPs, including Greer, Slater and Harvie upon the SNP Government, that this trust has broken down and good faith, if it ever existed, is no longer.    

The cornerstone of the Bute House deal has crumbled. It’s now time the Bute House agreement is given the boot - and that boot must be applied before the UK General Election.   

In that imminent election, our Green “partners” are now even urging voters not to vote SNP.  They are contesting seats against us, which will cost several of our MPs their seats. 

Independence has been quietly dropped from their agenda. The Greens are cosying up to Labour. 

How can we continue to be partners with a party whose leaders routinely abuse us? As Humza heaps praise on them, they express contempt for us. 

Read full story here: Fergus Ewing: We must end Bute House deal before election

Presumably people like me are seen by Comrades Greer and Harvie, as mere capitalist lackeys and the last vestiges of the bygone age of the bourgeoisie!   
Before the UK General Election campaign begins in earnest, Humza surely must extricate the party from this Faustian Pact with a small group of self-confessed extremists.

This dire deal is destroying the party as more and more people, and key parts of the economy are the object of the Greens' bilious and haughty disdain: sectors including oil and gas, private housing rental, mortgage finance and investment, fishing, farming for our food, aquaculture, productive forestry, the chemical industry and tourism.    

The Greens so-called “policies” would eradicate these industries and eliminate the jobs of hundreds of thousands of smart decent hard working people all round the country and all of whom serve Scotland well. 

What on earth are we doing in partnership with these zealots? Have we not learned anything from their disastrous trail of dud policies, such as Deposit Return, Highly Protected Marine Areas, Heat Pump fantasies, Short Term let registration, and of course - that ultimate policy oxymoron:  "Gender Reform.”  
Message to Humza:  “Sorry mate: Failing to terminate this dreadful deal is political insanity and electoral suicide.” 

Fergus Ewing is the SNP MSP for Inverness and Nairn