From his first steps as a Parliamentary Assistant down the long road to becoming Scotland's First Minister, Humza Yousaf has created a pathway for young Scots – regardless of who they vote for.

Scotland has long enjoyed a reputation for inclusivity and I have seen progress made in this area in my own lifetime, but we should not underplay how significant Yousaf's appointment is for thousands of young Scots who share similar backgrounds.

He comes from a background of migration. His parents, father Mian Muzaffar Yousaf Arain and mother Shaaista Bhutta, both immigrated to Scotland and their son was born in Glasgow.

The future First Minister studied politics at the University of Glasgow and was also part of the Muslim Students Association, where he became president.

This was where, in his early years, he began to build his profile, becoming a well-known member of the Students Representative Council. These experiences further fuelled a passion for politics which first emerged in Modern Studies classes at school.

Beyond his studies he was involved in the charity Islamic Relief, where he was a volunteer media spokesperson. He was also part of a community radio station that issued food and care for asylum seekers and homeless people in Glasgow.

It was also here, at university, where he joined the SNP.

Within the party he carried out a number of roles and was promoted for his ideas and talent.

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In recent days we have heard that Humza Yousaf "has only worked in politics". This has been used as an insult, as though he has no experience of "the real world".

What you can really see, in his example, is someone who has followed their passion.

Why would you want to do anything else with your life when your passion is sitting right in front of you?

You take your inspiration and you try your hardest.

This is what Yousaf has done and what he is encouraging other people, like myself, to do.

He has worked his way up, followed his passions and shown other young Scots of Asian heritage that we can stride in our ambitions and not be afraid to be visible.

We need role models to empower us and show that we are moving in the right direction.

As a young Scot of the Pakistani heritage I have seen considerable change and progress made; I see more respect towards people from minority communities. Scotland values its citizens, but there is still work to be done.

We can only achieve this as a community, by all Scottish people working together. However, individuals will continue to lead and light the way and encourage others to do the same.

Our new First Minister knew what he wanted and never gave up. I strive to do the same.

Regardless of who I would vote for, Yousaf has motivated me and there are many others like me, young Scots who see an opportunity and are determined to take it.

Maya Amir is a fourth-year student studying Journalism at Edinburgh Napier University. She is from Glasgow and lives in the capital.