What does the election result mean for the future of the independence campaign?

On Saturday, a correspondent maintained that the “de facto referendum” showed that the issue is no longer a priority for the electorate.

Read that letter here 👈

Today, however, a reader maintains that 2026 could well see the tables turned.

Fraser Grant of Edinburgh writes:

"George Rennie expects those of us who believe in Scotland’s right to run our own affairs, just like any other nation, to give up as he thinks the SNP losing seats would indicate a lack of support for independence.

Over the past ten years the very same people refused to accept that a massive majority of SNP seats was a mandate for independence or a further referendum on self-government that was blocked by the UK establishment.

At this Westminster election the main priority for most voters was to get rid of the Tories, but without any enthusiasm for Labour, and many SNP voters just stayed at home, as evidenced by the low turnouts.

The SNP only won six seats in the 2005 general election compared to Labour’s 41 in Scotland, yet two years later the SNP won the most seats at Holyrood and formed a minority Scottish government. Labour have only 20 months in which to make a real change, otherwise history will repeat itself in 2026."