There was another set of elections taking place last week: those for the European Parliament, which caused a stir when far right parties made significant gains.

Read our report here 👈

That prompted one of our correspondents to contend that “Europe will not want a left of centre government in Scotland and Scotland will not want a right of centre-leaning Europe”.

Read that letter here 👈

Today, however, one of our readers contends that we should still covet membership of the European Union – and threw down the gauntlet to the SNP.

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Tim Cox of Bern writes:

"Dr Gerald Edwards can’t count. The political centre still has an outright majority in the European Parliament.

The European Union remains the home of democratic peoples, and European citizenship is the greatest freedom any people ever had.

Liars and their fanbase squandered that freedom on behalf of UK citizens.

Cowards who used to be socialists, liberals and conservatives stand in the way of regaining European citizenship for the people.

That’s the challenge for the SNP, whose leadership must mature and coalesce around a powerful economy, an end to child poverty, and the restoration of working infrastructure. That means hard work, so all power to hard workers among that leadership.

They have about two years to get it right."