The Prime Minister’s keynote address to the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester last week was roundly welcomed by the party faithful, particularly his emphasis on his determination to promote growth.

That aspect, however, sounded alarm bells with one of our readers, who feared the implications it might have for the fight against climate change.

Read our report here 👈

That view is today challenged by one of our correspondents, who argues that we have not been told the truth about the viability of the net zero project.

William Loneskie of Lauder writes:

"Hugh Noble criticises the Prime Minister for his pro-growth agenda, which he claims is incompatible with net zero. Furthermore, he says that "to hold an anti-green position is a pro-human extermination position". This is climate alarmism of the worst kind.

I am pro-growth because economic growth thanks to coal power and the Industrial Revolution economic growth has revolutionised human life from being "nasty, brutish and short" to one where economic growth has dramatically increased life expectancy, conquered many diseases, allowed machines to replace back-breaking labour, and given the majority of the population a standard of living of which kings and queens could once never have dreamed.

I am opposed to net zero because the target of 1.5C is simply an arbitrary number (why not 1.78?) because it will cost trillions, because it will undermine our economy, because no-one voted for it, because it was never debated in the Commons, and because the industry which has been built around it, does not tell the truth about its viability and cost. A new video on the Spiked website by Fraser Myer, The Net Zero Con, describes all this in factual detail.

One of the most dangerous things about the net zero project is its totalitarian nature. It's green fascism in action."

What do you think? Write to with your response!