Formal complaints have been lodged by two Labour constituency parties about the selection process for two key Scottish seats.

The constituency parties of Rutherglen, as well as those in Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse CLP, have reportedly written to Sir Keir Starmer and Anas Sarwar.

The Labour leaders have been informed of complaints over the "lack of transparency" made by local members. 

However, the Scottish Labour Party has said that the process is being carried out in "full accordance with procedures" set by the Scottish Executive Committee. 

The letter claims that members are concerned about the "integrity" of selections and say they "cannot continue campaigning until this matter is resolved", the BBC reports.

READ MORE: Labour to 'throw everything' at winning Rutherglen byelection

The Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) write that they are "fighting every day" to provide communities a choice.

They understand the need to select strong candidates to join them in that fight without delay, but for candidates to have any credibility, it is vital that members have full confidence in the selection process used," it reads.

It is understood they have called for a new selection panel and a pause to the ongoing selection. 

Scottish labour’s deputy leader Jackie Baillie and MP Ian Murray were on the selection panel for the Rutherglen and Hamilton West constituency.

A Scottish Labour spokesperson said: "Selection processes for Labour Party parliamentary candidates are properly administered in full accordance with procedures set by the Scottish Executive Committee.

"Scottish Labour is pleased to have a number of fantastic candidates on the shortlist who will be champions for Rutherglen and Hamilton West."

The seat could soon face by-election as MP Margaret Ferrier amid mounting pressure for the politician to resign. 

A damning report from Parliament’s Standards Committee called for the former SNP politician to be suspended from the Commons for 30 days over Covid rule breaches. 

Anas Sarwar previously told the Herald that the Scottish Labour will “throw everything” at winning a Rutherglen and Hamilton West byelection.