PENNY Mordaunt has promised a "fresh start" as she launched a bid to be the Conservative Party's third leader this year.

Taking to Twitter, the Leader of the House of Commons said: “I’ve been encouraged by support from colleagues who want a fresh start, a united party and leadership in the national interest.

“I’m running to be the leader of the Conservative Party and your Prime Minister – to unite our country, deliver our pledges and win the next GE.”

According to reports, Ms Mordaunt has already held talks with Jeremy Hunt.

The PA says she has "assured him he can stay on as Chancellor if she becomes prime minister."

Ms Mordaunt is the first MP to announce a run at the top job. Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson are both expected to throw their hats into the ring.

There is speculation that former home secretary Suella Braverman could also stand in the contest.

Each candidate will need the support of at least 100 Tory MPs by 2pm on Monday to make it through to the first round of voting.

If only one person passes that threshold they will then become party leader. 

If there are three or more candidates, then MPs will vote until only two remain, when the final decision will be made by Tory members.  

Currently, according to the Guido Fawkes blog, Ms Mordaunt has 21 backers in the Commons, while Mr Johnson is on 62 and Mr Sunak on 78. 

Ms Mordaunt only narrowly missed out on making the final two in the leadership contest over the summer.

She later rowed in behind Ms Truss's bid and was given the post of Leader of the House of Commons in the cabinet.

That saw her unexpectedly thrown into the limelight following the death of the Queen when she oversaw the ascension of King Charles. 

The Herald:

Writing in the Times this morning, John Lamont, the MP for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk said Ms Mordaunt could help unite the divided party and "recover our reputation in time for a general election."

"For too long, Conservative MPs have been pulled in one direction then the next. That’s not what Penny is about. The Leader of the House is assured and unflappable.

"She’s confident and consistent. She will listen to advice from the best and brightest in every wing of our party, then make considered and clear decisions to win back our credibility with voters.

"We won’t have to contend with frustrating flip flops on matters of policy; we’ll get sure-footed leadership."

Mr Lamont said there was "nothing MPs on the opposite benches fear more than being on the receiving end of the 'Penny Mordaunt treatment'."