It was a simple message of congratulations, a basic pleasantry exchanged untold times by national leaders over the centuries. What’s wrong with a little ‘ciao and buona fortuna’ when a new leader comes into power? Well, depending on the party and the election, a lot as Liz Truss found out.

I am frightened to ask, but what has our new PM done now? 

Looking at this without emotion - or context - not a lot to be honest. On the face of it, the British PM simply extended her “Congratulations to @GiorgiaMeloni on her party's success in the Italian elections.” Truss then added: “From supporting Ukraine to addressing global economic challenges, the UK and Italy are close allies.” She even stuck in a couple of flag emojis, as every middle-aged person does when talking about current affairs on social media.

Sounds pleasant. What’s the beef?

Well, Giorgia Meloni is president of the Brothers of Italy, a party of Eurosceptics who are nationalist in their outlook, conservative in their policies and take an aggressive stance on refugees and asylum seekers. They drift from right wing to far right on the political spectrum.

God, it’s Farage isn’t it. They’ve found the Italian Farage.

You’re on the right track, so to speak, although Meloni is less fond of a fly fag, a pint of bitter and a slightly stained and grotty looking tweed suit. 

Is she really that bad? I am sure I saw several headlines stating that ‘she is not a fascist’.

You did but when someone actually has to spell that out, you know you are on shaky ground. The party undeniably has neo-fascist roots, opposes gay adoption, claims that migrants are behind crime and prostitution (and many other societal ills) and likes to mention unelected shadowy ‘forces’ who are apparently pulling our strings. Her coalition also includes several of Benito Mussolini’s family among its supporters. Basically, they are ticking a lot of boxes.

We have heard this song before haven’t we…

Which is why people across the world are so worried by this development and why Truss’s warm message of congratulations went down like a lead balloon today.

I am sure people will realise it’s not Liz Truss’s fault.

Of course they will, it was posted on Twitter, a realm renowned for peace, compassion, love and harmony. Within five minutes she was being referred to as ‘Trussolini’.