Scottish Labour has taken control of West Dunbartonshire Council after winning 12 of the authority’s 22 wards.

The SNP won nine, down two on the 2017 result, and the Conservatives lost both their seats.

Martin Rooney, leader of the Labour group said he was delighted with the result. He told the Daily Record: "It’s been a long slog. It’s hard in opposition. We got a lot done, but we also had the pandemic which impacted on the council’s normal business.

"We’re hoping to hit the ground running. We will get our administration in place and then we will push on bringing forward the improvements we need for the citizens in West Dunbartonshire."

The SNP's Jonathan McColl said it was “a disappointing day" for his party.

He added: "I have to say though that I’m delighted with the quality of candidates we now have elected. We have an influx of very talented young people.

"There are positives to come out of this.”

At the 2017 election, the SNP took charge winning 10 councillors and unseating Labour.

However, they lost one councillor last year when Caroline McAllister became one of the first SNP elected representatives to defect to Alex Salmond’s Alba.

It was the first time Labour hadn’t been the biggest party on the council since it was created following the breakup of the old Strathclyde Regional Council.