A FORMER Scottish Tory MSP has said Douglas Ross needs to take the blame for any losses in Scotland

Adam Tomkins said the party chief’s u-turn on his call for Boris Johnson to resign is to blame for what could be a disastrous day for the Conservatives.

Last night Tory insiders told press that it was the Prime Minister who was to blame for the bad result. 

One source told the Scottish Sun: “It’s been tough. We are expecting heavy losses, we fully expect to come third.

“It’s probably going to be our worst election in probably about a decade or more.”

Read more: Local elections Scotland: LIVE updates as results come in

They added: “It’s pretty apparent what’s happening, it’s all down to Partygate and Boris.

The source said: “They’re rightly very angry. We totally accept people come on and say ‘we’ll vote for you next time but I really can’t vote for you because of what’s happened with Partygate and Boris.’

“We get it, we totally understand that. There’s no doubt that is going to severely hamper our vote. The losses are going to be, they’re going to be heavy losses.”

However, Prof Tomkins described that as “nonsense.” 

He criticised Mr Ross over his off-on support for Mr Johnson.

After calling for him to quit in January after the partygate scandal made his position “untenable”, Mr Ross said in March the PM should stay put because of the war in Ukraine.

Prof Tomkins tweeted: “Whatever today’s results show Douglas Ross owns this, not Boris. It was Douglas who u-turned, Douglas who flipped, and Douglas who backed the PM. He and his team need to own the consequences, not pass the buck.”