THE Herald is Scotland’s only quality broadsheet and we know how important our subscribers are to our ability to provide indepth, impartial coverage of Scottish affairs. That’s why we’re adding a new benefit to our subscription packages.

Premium Plus digital subscribers will now have unlimited access to our new advert-free app and website, while Premium and non-subscribers have limited access within the app.

Through the app, subscribers will have access to more than 50+ puzzles every week, keeping your brain in gear.

You’ll have the ability to save content for later reading at your leisure, including digital editions of the paper and articles. Our content is downloadable.

Subscribers can also access previous articles, supplements and editions – and flip through a digital edition of the latest paper, accessing it before anyone else.

To enjoy your ad-free experience, check out our app at one of these links:

Apple: The Herald on the App Store (

Android: The Herald – Apps on Google Play

Herald Editor Donald Martin said: “Our role is to keep our readers informed with first-rate reporting and analysis on affairs at home and abroad. We hope subscribers will enjoy the unlimited access they have to this app – and thank you for supporting our quality journalism.”