Boris Johnson has met with the Ukrainian president in Kyiv in a "show of solidarity" with the country, Downing Street confirmed. 

The Prime Minister will use the visit to set out a new package of financial and military aid to Volodymyr Zelensky. 

A No 10 spokesperson said: “The Prime Minister has travelled to Ukraine to meet President Zelensky in person, in a show of solidarity with the Ukrainian people.”

“They will discuss the UK’s long term support to Ukraine and the PM will set out a new package of financial and military aid.”

The surprise visit comes after the UK pledged to send £100 million worth of military equipment, including ore Starstreak anti-aircraft missiles, anti-tank weapons and “precision munitions”. 

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This will include drones capable of loitering in the sky until directed to their target.

In a previous appeal to Nato, the Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba asked nations to send “weapons, weapons, weapons” including armoured vehicles.

Over the last few days, the Ukrainian president has been visited by a number of international leaders including European Commission president Ursula Von Der Leyen. 

An image of the meeting between Mr Johnson and Mr Zelensky was shared on social media by the Ukrainian embassy in London. 

 In his latest address to the nation, Mr Zelensky called on the international community to hold to account Russian forces who carried out a missile strike on a crowded railway station, killing at least 52 people.

The station at Kramatorsk was packed with women and children trying to flee west before the Russian advance arrives, when the missile hit on Friday.

“All world efforts will be directed to establish every minute of who did what, who gave what orders, where the missile came from, who transported it, who gave the command and how this strike was agreed,” Mr Zelensky said in his nightly video address.

The Kremlin has denied responsibility for the attack, but western officials believe it was probably a Russian Tochka-U missile, which Nato refers to as a SS-21, which was fired indiscriminately towards the town centre.