NATALIE McGarry was trusted to tell the truth about Women For Independence’s accounts, former health secretary Jeane Freeman has told Glasgow Sheriff court.

The ex-MP is accused of embezzling more than £21,000 from the feminist Yes group, as well as another £4,000 from a Glasgow SNP association. She denies the charges.

Ms McGarry was treasurer of Women for Independence between April 26, 2013 and November 30, 2015.

Giving evidence in the trial, Ms Freeman, who was one of the founder members of WFI, explained that in the run up to the 2014 referendum, the organisation had no formal structures, and that she had no reason to check the bank account.

She said: “The point about Women for Independence was that we were founded on trust. We trusted each other. That goes widely right across the organisation.

“We would do the job we had volunteered to do, so if you were going to turn up and speak at a meeting you would do it to the best of your ability.

“If you were going to go on radio or television, you’d do your homework and do it to the best of your ability.

“If you were running the finances, you would do it to the best of your ability.

“And if you were at any point struggling with any of it you would say so, and the organisation, the women involved in the organisation would work really hard to be non-judgemental, to support each other, because we wanted to demonstrate by how we ran ourselves and behaved, how we thought society could be improved for women.”

It is alleged Ms McGarry transferred cash made from fundraising events into her own personal accounts and failed to send the donations intended for Perth and Kinross food bank and the charity Positive Prisons Positive Futures.

She then allegedly used cheques - held in the name of Women for Independence - to deposit money into her accounts.

Ms McGarry is also accused of embezzling £4,661.02 from the Glasgow Regional Association of the SNP between April 9 2014 and August 10 2015.

It is alleged that in the course of her roles as treasurer, secretary and convener of the association, she used cheques drawn on bank accounts held in its name to pay expenses it had not incurred and retained reimbursements to which she was not entitled.

The indictment also alleges McGarry used cheques drawn on bank accounts held in the association’s name to deposit money in her own personal bank accounts, and transferred funds donated to the association through its website into her own accounts.

Proceedings were delayed this morning after a juror tested positive for Covid.

An attempt by Ms McGarry’s defence to have the trial delayed for five days to give the juror time to recuperate was knocked back by Sheriff Tom Hughes who said the trial - expected to last between four and six weeks - would proceed with 14 jurors.

The Sheriff also warned social media users not to prejudice the trial, warning that it could have a “catastrophic” impact on the court process. He said it could end up in court proceedings and a custodial sentence.

He said: "It's important for everyone to be aware what's posted on Twitter or in any electronic form.

"It could have a catastrophic effect on the trial process and could be prejudicial and as a result pf that anyone found to be doing that in the knowledge that it could prejudice could face proceedings."

The trial continues.