ONE of the most vibrant and picturesque parts of the city of Baltimore in Maryland is called the Inner Harbor. The visionary project has represented a blueprint for waterfront development and the regeneration of post-industrial port areas around the globe.

It was surrounded by the Inner Harbor about a fortnight ago that a regenerated dialogue between US Trade Representative Katherine Tai and UK Secretary of State for International Trade Anne-Marie Trevelyan produced successes. The talks were emblematic of their physical backdrop in that they produced a redeveloped agreement that resolved long-term trade disputes.

Last June, a long and harmful US tariff on whisky put in place by the Trump Administration was lifted by the Biden Administration. The harmful tariff should have never happened. The damage it caused to people, families, and communities across Scotland was deep, and still has left wounds. Some distilleries did not survive. The June announcement was rightfully celebrated as a path forward to recovery even while the challenges of Covid still have cast a long shadow.

The recent agreement between the US and UK last month in Baltimore suspends UK tariffs on Bourbon and American whisky. This is a positive development because it will lead to partnerships and industry collaboration. The agreement also has the United States allowing a capped volume of metals from the United Kingdom to be imported duty-free. Also, the UK will lift tariffs on blue jeans, motorcycles and other products.

While these developments are positive, to be clear this settlement does not represent a comprehensive trade agreement between the US and UK that had been previously sought. In May of 2020, the US and UK commenced a process with the goal of securing a far-reaching free trade agreement. When President Biden came into office those discussions were put on hold. Diplomatic dialogue is always a positive and that was the case with trade negotiations that commenced in 2020, but the wider goal was also problematic because many issues were being left unresolved. There seemed to be a political motivation to seek a big deal for big headlines.

Under the leadership of US Trade Representative Katherine Tai, a process was created to solve specific trade problems rather than aim for comprehensive agreements. This was a wise and prudent path because it allowed key issues that were deeply impacting Scottish, UK, and US communities each day to find immediate resolution rather than being held back by the weight of comprehensive goals.

Beyond these high-level trade talks, there needs to be an enhanced understanding by international actors of the unique economic landscapes of the nations that make up the UK. There is a tendency for international entities to look at the UK through too broad a lens, just as one would look at the US, Canada, and South America too broadly. International governments and foreign business must realise that Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and England have unique ecosystems, practices, entrepreneurial climates, enterprise networks, and governance structures. There is a wealth of substantive research material and analysis available to help deepen understanding of this dynamic.

For example, a valuable strategic report co-produced by the Scottish Government with stakeholders in the technology sector was just released. This insightful report outlines a plan to considerably grow Scotland’s exports of technology. In addition to setting out a set of goals, a commentary like this allows an informative window for global investors into understanding the vibrant technology sector in Scotland, and a plan to help that sector flourish.

If you are a Scottish business and wondering about where to gain support and expertise about global engagement with the US, there are ample sources available. You have Scottish Enterprise, GlobalScot, Scottish Development International, Scottish Business Network, the UK Department of International Trade, Entrepreneurial Scotland, Scottish North American Business Council, Scottish Chambers of Commerce, British Chambers of Commerce, Scotland House in London, the Scottish Office within the British Embassy in Washington, among others. You may also access support from the US Embassy in London, the US Consulate in Edinburgh, the Department of Commerce in Washington, British American Business, UK Consulates, US city chambers of commerce, and state and city economic support entities within the governor’s and mayor’s offices.

Ultimately, good trade and greater international business must result in improving the lives of people and communities around the globe, especially those communities and persons who are vulnerable in the global system. We should take encouragement from these recent trade resolutions in Baltimore, and draw confidence knowing that there is a deep capacity of top-notch professionals ready to serve as we move forward.

Ian Houston has spent his career in Washington, DC as an advocate for diplomacy, trade, global poverty alleviation, intercultural dialogue. He is a GlobalScot and serves as President of the Scottish Business Network in the US/Americas. He is an Honorary Professor at the University of the West of Scotland. His views are his own.