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HOW much damage can a fatally wounded Prime Minister cause as his days in power spiral into oblivion?

It’s not just gangsterism against his own side that’s seemingly being unleashed - with rebels apparently facing threats of blackmail and bribery. Johnson has refugees in his sights, and the BBC - easy targets to create deflection and distraction. Under cover of chaos, he’s also circling, hungry to dismantle personal freedoms - the right to protest, and voting rights - with authoritarian legislation.

Most terrifying of all, though, this desperate, morally bankrupt, lying charlatan is the man in charge as the west teeters on the brink of war with Russia - his administration goading the Kremlin.

The defection of the Red Wall Tory, Christian Wakeford, to Labour has delayed rather than hastened Johnson’s end, managing to unite tribal Tories around their disgraced leader.

Johnson’s time will come, but it won’t be thanks to Sue Gray. She’ll weave words that damn 'Downing Street culture' but let the PM slither off the hook. It’ll be the collapse of the Tory Party at the May local elections which finishes Johnson. He’ll be dispatched soon after and a new PM installed over the heads of the people - the fourth Tory failure who’ll ‘lead’ us since 2010.

So here we are: facing the nation at risk of being dragged down with Johnson. He’s already heaped suffering on the British people with his Covid policies - we’ve the highest death toll in Europe. But the final days of his rule are going to marked by actions which scar us even more. 

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