U clot

U2 singer Bono never liked the band’s name. Indeed, it didn’t even occur to him that it could be read as “you too”. Well, yes, it is rather complicated. The Edge – chap on guitar, M’lud – disliked the name too. But their manager thought it looked good on T-shirts. Well, it was better than XL.

Sunny outlook

The Met Office has predicted climate change could cause a collapse of governance and the rise of militias. In a report for the UK Climate Resilience Programme, the weather gurus also said the class divide would worsen. Makes a change from the usual “sunshine in most parts of England, with Scotland experiencing rain and sleet”.

Heat is on

More bad climate news: the “great British Conservatory” – in Scotland, the sitooterie – could have had its day as increasing temperatures make them unbearably hot. As a result, builders are being advised to make conservatories a rarer feature in new-build houses because of “unwanted solar gain”. Sunshine: no good ever came of it.

Bairns on edge

Children have chosen “anxiety” as their word of the year. In a survey for Oxford University Press, it’s the one they chose from a list of 10 including “wellbeing”, “bubble” and “cancelled”, words reflecting the mental health impact of lockdown. Government experts expressed surprise at the choice, and said it was all very worrying.

Price they pay

Unsurprisingly, prices at Waitrose, the world’s only class-based supermarket, rose three times faster than those of its competitors last year. The controversial chain persuades the pathetically aspirational to pay far more for the same stuff they could easily get elsewhere.

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