BORIS Johnson will fight any confidence challenge against him and insists he will lead the Tories into the next election.

Downing Street has confirmed the Prime Minister will not go quietly if 54 MPs submit letters of no confidence in him to the powerful 1922 backbench committee.

Tension is growing around Westminster about the number of MPs who have already sent letters to committee chairman Sir Graham Brady.

READ MORE: What happens if 54 Tories decide they've had enough of Boris Johnson?

Mr Johnson faced a gruelling session in the Commons today when one of his ‘red wall’ MPs defected to Labour shortly before Prime Minister’s Questions.

Christian Wakeford took his seat on the opposition benches today, behind Sir Keir Starmer who was pleased to welcome him in.

The PM faced another blow when Tory grandee David Davis urged him to resign openly in front of a packed chamber of MPs.

Some have speculated that Mr Johnson would simply resign if he knew he was facing a vote of no confidence, however officials dismissed this today.

Asked if he would fight in the event of a vote, the Prime Minister’s press secretary said: “Yes, he will.”

Asked if the PM was confident he would win in the vote, the press secretary said that scenario was “hypothetical” but added: “Our focus is very clear in terms of delivering the ambitious agenda that we have set out that we were elected on in 2019, and we'll continue to work together as Conservatives to deliver this.”

Asked if he planned to fight the next election, the press secretary also said ‘yes’.