SCOTTISH Labour has hit out at the SNP over their ‘shambolic handling’ of new fire alarm regulations set to come into force next year.

A report has found that only 800 people have so far received funding for the installation of interlinked fire alarms, with the new information also revealing that half of the £500,000 budget has already been spent.

After the Grenfell Tower Tragedy in 2017, a new law change will mean that every homeowner will be required to have linked fire alarms from February 2022.

The regulations also mean every home in Scotland should have a smoke alarm fitted in the living room, in order for the property to meet “tolerable standards”, as well as in circulation spaces such as hallways and landings.

The SNP pledged funding of half a million pounds to help older people, the disabled and homeowners in receipt of a range of benefits, with the installation costs.

However, after a Freedom of Information request was submitted, it was revealed that fewer than one in 10 eligible for that support will be able to receive it.

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Scottish Labour have called the SNP’s handling of the situation ‘shambolic’.

A spokesperson for the party said: “The FOI revealed that with more than half the budget spent, slightly more than 800 households have benefited – suggesting under 2,000 will benefit overall.

“This is in contrast to around 60,000 households being eligible for pension credit or employment support allowance.

“Even applying the SNP’s stringent eligibility criteria, estimates suggest 35,000 people would be eligible – meaning well under one in 10 of those eligible will get help.”

As well as calling out the SNP on the handling of the funding, Labour also claimed that public awareness is virtually non-existent ahead of the laws coming into force in February.

They fear that the costs for people to abide by the new regulations could badly affect some who are worse off financially, and because public awareness of the new law is low people will be ‘blindsided’ by them.

Scottish Labour called for the SNP to provide funding in their budget.

Housing spokesman for Scottish Labour, Mark Griffin said: “This pitiful offering from the SNP completely short-changes homeowners.

READ MORE: New Scottish smoke alarm law: What do I need to do?

“The poorest households will be hit hardest by this shambles, but people across Scotland are going to be blindsided by laws they didn’t even know existed.

“The SNP are presiding over sheer chaos, burying their heads in the sand about the mountain we have to climb to deliver these changes.

“We need an urgent awareness campaign, much clearer advice, and proper support to stop the poorest households being hammered by extortionate costs.”

The SNP has been asked to comment.