The Herald: Neil Mackay unspun banner NEW

Yes voters should brush up on their Goethe this weekend - or perhaps if they’re not into German romanticism, they could just watch the 1940 Disney cartoon Fantasia. Both Johann Wolfgang and Walt gave us their spin on The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, after all - the ancient myth which warns: ‘be careful what you wish for’.

In the heart of every Yes voter today there’s a yearning - a hankering, a wish, a silent prayer - for Boris Johnson to just go, either of his own volition (utterly unlikely) or booted out by his party (much more likely).

But that might not bode well for Scottish independence. Johnson has already corrupted everything he touches - even the Met is contaminated by him, after refusing to investigate the infamous Christmas Party. Might he infect the Yes movement on his way out the door too?

Johnson is so deep in the quicksand of his own corruption and incompetency that he really could get the chop quite soon. Labour is now beating the Tories in the polls, and the likes of Rishi Sunak and even Liz Truss (heaven help us) are scheming their schemes, dreaming of leadership.

It may sound counter-intuitive - then again, what’s normal any longer? - but if Johnson is defenestrated right now it would be bad for Yes. Indy supporters need him in office a while longer.

Johnson’s flailing madness makes a frankly rather inept Scottish government seem a showcase of talents. Every absurd fumble and scandal helps forge a new Yes voter. Polls for independence recently hit 55% after a long period of fluctuating decline - driven solely by the seemingly endless conveyor belt of sleaze pumping from Downing Street.

If Johnson goes now, there’s every chance support for independence deflates again.

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