Nicola Sturgeon has said the “sneering, arrogant condescension” of Michael Gove’s comments about another referendum are strengthening support for Scottish independence.

Mr Gove, the UK’s Cabinet Office Minister, said he “couldn’t see” Boris Johnson agreeing to an independence referendum before the next general election and it was “foolish” to discuss it while the country was still recovering from the coronavirus pandemic.

READ MORE: Michael Gove says PM will not grant Scotland referendum before general election

Scotland’s First Minister said the argument that the nations of the United Kingdom were equals “completely disintegrates” if the UK Government refuses to allow another vote on independence.

The Herald:

Nicola Sturgeon

Speaking this morning, Ms Sturgeon said: “Every time we hear that kind of sneering, arrogant condescension from Michael Gove – or whatever UK Government minister it may be – completely refusing to accept Scottish democracy, actually the more they just build support for independence.

READ MORE: The figures behind plan to give Scots across UK an Indyref vote

“If we can’t even have a UK Government that respects the choices we make democratically which – in an election just a matter of weeks ago – was an overwhelming victory for the SNP on the manifesto commitment to have the choice of independence, not to force independence on people but to give people the choice at the right moment after we’re out of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“If that can’t even be respected, then the idea that the UK is a partnership of equals just completely disintegrates.”