Nicola Sturgeon is expected to confirm that a planned easing of Covid restrictions is to be delayed.

The First Minister is due to update the Scottish Parliament on the latest review of the route map out of lockdown later this afternoon. 

She signalled last week that that a move to level zero - the lowest in five-tier system - was likely to be pushed back by three weeks.

Originally set for 28 June, it could be delayed until at least mid-July so more people can be vaccinated.

READ MORE: Today's update — How to watch and when it's happening 

Ms Sturgeon will also set out out what life in Scotland will look like under the lowest level of coronavirus restrictions, and publish a much-anticipated review of social distancing rules.

The First Minister said last week it was “unlikely” that any area of Scotland would see restrictions eased on June 28 – the date it had been hoped all of Scotland would move into Level 0 restrictions.

The Herald:

Ms Sturgeon previously said this move would likely be delayed by three weeks.

The Scottish Government will also publish a review on Tuesday of physical distancing requirements, along with a paper which Ms Sturgeon said would set out “what we hope life will look like beyond Level 0 – as we get to the point where we can lift all, or virtually all, of the remaining restrictions”.

This level, the lowest in Scotland’s five-tier system, is only currently in place in the island authorities of Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles, with all mainland areas having either Level 1 or Level 2 restrictions applied.

Ms Sturgeon previously told MSPs: “Given the current situation – and the need to get more people fully vaccinated before we ease up further – it is reasonable to indicate now that I think it unlikely that any part of the country will move down a level from June 28.

READ MORE: Today's update — How to watch and when it's happening 

“Instead, it is likely that we will opt to maintain restrictions for a further three weeks from June 28 and use that time to vaccinate – with both doses – as many more people as possible.

“Doing that will give us the best chance, later in July, of getting back on track and restoring the much greater normality that we all crave.”