DERRICK McClure (Letters, June 21) explains that Labour can make no real headway in Scotland because it did nothing for Scotland during its past governance and that “we know from long experience that Scotland fares no better under Labour than under Tory governments" and that “neither party at Holyrood has done anything at all except reiterate that they don’t want independence, don’t want a referendum and don’t like the SNP”. Where has he been these past 16 years?

It is unbelievable that anybody could compare a party’s governance of Scotland which took place more than 16 years ago unfavourably with the current SNP's period in government. The current Government's list of debacles hardly needs to be mentioned again – ferry fiasco, NHS crisis with horrendous waiting lists, education with the attainment gap as wide as ever, soaring drug deaths, increased child poverty, DRS fiasco, party funds missing and incompetence at every level within the SNP. Scotland, its people, its media and all of the third estate have been far too patient and understanding with the current party in power.

In its own way the incompetence and arrogance of the current Scottish Government is at least comparable with the Conservatives' governance of the wider UK under Boris Johnson, but it gets a much better ride from the people and the press than the Tories do in England. It is quite unbelievable the level of governmental and personal incompetence that has been accepted by Scottish society over the past decade simply because many have sympathy for the independence dream allowing their hearts to rule their head.

I believe this will stop now – the cost of living crisis, the outrageous mismanagement described above, along with the former First Minister and her husband’s current discomfort and that of their party, will result in the majority of Scots, who are on the whole a fair-minded lot, abandoning independence for solid, honest leaders in the form of Anas Sarwar and Sir Keir Starmer who have a real belief in social justice and equality of all across borders within the UK and haven’t just spent 12 years spouting on about it and doing nothing about it when in control.

The era of narrow nationalism and cult popularity which propelled Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon, Donald Trump and Boris Johnson to power is over – look forward to a better Scotland within the UK and a socialist government in both where social justice and equality actually mean something.

Stephen Shaw, Kingussie.

Talking the country down

I HAVE just witnessed the most bizarre episode of First Minister's Questions ("Humza Yousaf: Labour see north east as 'cash cow' for English tax cuts", heraldscotland, June 22).

Anas Sarwar explained Scottish Labour's proposed billion-pounds investment in green energy and announced that the controlling company, Great British Energy, would be based in Scotland. Mr Sarwar asked for First Minister Humza Yousaf's support for the initiative. The First Minister's answer was long and diffuse but boiled down to a simple “No, we will not support it”, leaving the disorienting impression of the First Minister and leader of the SNP simultaneously siding with the Conservatives and talking Scotland down.

Alex Gallagher, Largs.

Read more: We don't need yet more documents, we need proper action

Labour isn't the answer

SIR Keir Starmer promises to make the UK a green superpower on the back of Scotland. He pledges to create thousands of Scottish jobs, lower the highest energy bills in the UK, provide energy security and tackle climate change with his new green superpowers. Does anyone seriously believe that if Scots vote Labour nirvana will arrive?

How will these jobs materialise when Sir Keir has no plans to bring energy back into public ownership? He intends to leave the robber barons in charge who are funnelling profits to shareholders and fleecing consumers. If he does manage to set up a public energy company headquartered in Scotland, all we’ll get is another brass plate.

How will energy bills fall when energy policy is reserved to Westminster? Scots pay the highest standing charges in the UK, our producers are charged the most to connect to the private national grid, and our renewable energy resources have been auctioned off for a song.

When Sir Keir’s English Labour Party promises energy security for Scotland, he means for England. Without Westminster’s plundering, Scotland would be the most energy-secure nation on the planet. Instead, Scottish renewables are being cabled south with no new money, jobs or investment for Scotland. And as long as Westminster remains in charge, the rip-off will continue.

Finally, how will Sir Keir find the money for all these promises when he’s pledged to spend no more than the Government’s tax take, a self-imposed fiscal rule that is both a con and a straitjacket?

Wake up, Scotland. Labour isn’t the answer.

Leah Gunn Barrett, Edinburgh.

The problem with politicians

REBECCA McQuillan's article ("This DRS mess only goes to show we need two new governments", The Herald, June 22) was an excellent and well-argued examination of the problem with politicians. I spent much of my life in England and was always happy to explain that being in favour of Scottish independence was definitely not anti-English. I'm sure that's true for most independence-leaning Scots, but it's a position far removed from the behaviour of the Scottish Government in recent years. It happily sets up arguments with the UK Government knowing it can't win and then adds them to the list of manufactured grievances to be held against the Government in Westminster. The English-dominated Westminster Government is portrayed as the enemy.

I sense an uncomfortable parallel in the SNP-dominated Scottish Government's unhelpful attitude towards Westminster with the Conservative-led UK Government's attitude towards Europe in its Brexit negotiations.

It's an appalling situation and there's no end in sight. Where are the statesmen and stateswomen who would put the interests of the voters above petty party politics? Why do so many MPs and MSPs leave their brains and ethical beliefs (if they have any) at home and vote in line with their party's diktat (for example, the DRS no-confidence vote) instead of asking how, in the real world, their constituents would want them to vote?

Ms McQuillan's article should be required reading for politicians of all parties in both the Scottish and UK parliaments.

Stewart J Brown, Largs.

Read more: What did Scotland do to deserve Boris Johnson?

Who will save Scotland?

DISASTROUS, incompetent, idiotic SNP policy after disastrous, incompetent, idiotic SNP policy.

Instead of trying to sort out the mess the SNP has created for the people of Scotland, what does the new First Minister for Scotland come up with? A new white paper for independence – an independence the SNP refuses to acknowledge the majority of people of Scotland do not want.

Proof, if proof was ever required, that the new First Minister is every bit as incompetent as his predecessor.

Being an agnostic, if there was such a being, I would pray: God, save Scotland.

James Simpson, Erskine.

Vanishing act from the Greens

ON the subject of being “absent from the Chamber” (Letters, June 22), I and many other rural residents from all over Scotland attended a debate at the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday, directly following the vote of no confidence in Lorna Slater. It was a debate about the environment, renewable energy and a just transition. Yet, as Douglas Ross pointed out, less than half an hour from being at full strength to support their Green minister holding on to her job, not a single Green MSP could be present in the Parliament to listen to or contribute to this very important debate.

It is very telling, for a party that claims to put the environment above all else, that they are not interested in hearing about the negative effects of their obsession with wind farms, in particular, on our landscape, wildlife and people. They really are a waste of space.

Aileen Jackson, Uplawmoor.

Rural areas need this motion

ACCESS to essential services in remote communities is an issue that affects many in our country. Essential services such as banking and post services are crucial in remote areas and are often the only means of communication with loved ones and the community at large. Service providers are increasingly assuming that we all have digital access, something that is a myth; many are being prevented from integrating with society.

So it was very encouraging to see a Ten Minute Rule Motion presented to the Commons on Wednesday by SNP MP Drew Hendry. calling for minimum service standards for the provision of banking and postal services in rural areas. I fervently hope this proposal makes its way through Parliament.

Catriona C Clark, Falkirk.