Woolly wanderer

IN Yorkshire there isn’t as much live entertainment as you’ll find in Paris or New York.

However, one native has managed to devise homegrown fun, notes Diary correspondent Bob Jamieson, who lives in the white rose county.

The native in question happens to be an audacious sheep, who somehow managed to clamber its way onto the roof of the local boozer. (Bob sent us a photo to prove this really did happen.)

How did the farmyard animal reach such a lofty vantage point, you may be curious to know?

To which the Diary has the definitive answer: we haven’t a clue.

If we were to hazard a guest, we’d say it managed to scale the pub wall after getting a piggy-back lift from another sheep. (Or a sheepy-back lift, as it should more accurately be described.)

Was the owner of the pub outraged? Did he yell at the sheep: “You’re baa-rred!”

Probably not.

Because, as Bob points out, the pub in question has an intimate connection to woolly livestock.

For it’s called The Fleece Countryside Inn. (And, yes, there’s an etching of a sheep on the sign outside.)


Jibber jabber

WE mentioned the new RSV vaccination for the over-75 age group.

Donald Cameron from Fort William had his recently. Unfortunately on the way to the centre his mind went blank, and he couldn’t recall the name of this latest jab.

“I knew there was a ‘V’ but that was it,” he tells us, adding: “You should have seen the face of the young nurse when I told her ‘I’m here for my IVF’.”


Off your bike


Reader Bruce Johnson reports: “In the 1970s I was riding my bike and fell off and scratched my knee.”

Adds Bruce: “I'm telling you this now because we didn't have social media back then.”


Literature for lush-heads

WE mentioned the opening in Glasgow of a watering hole where the cocktail menu is inspired by authors connected to booze.

The Diary is imagining what’s on the list.

Harry Shaw from Airdrie argues that it must include Laurie Lee’s tippler’s tome… Cider with Rosé.  “Two for one,” notes Harry, “cheers… hiccup!”

John Keeper spotted this seaside bar on Italy’s Civitavecchia beach, where the owner of the boozer seems to be just as eager as his patrons on getting stocious.John Keeper spotted this seaside bar on Italy’s Civitavecchia beach, where the owner of the boozer seems to be just as eager as his patrons on getting stocious. (Image: Contributed)


Fright factor

OCTOBER is the creepiest month.

This led reader Paul Dunne to say to his wife: “Only one thing scares me at Halloween.”

“Which is..?” said his wife.

“Exactly,” said Paul.


Healthy Hispanic

DAFT gag time.

“What do you call a Spanish bloke being discharged from hospital?” asks reader Liz Campbell.

The answer, of course, is… Man Well.