Roll with it?

THE other day reader Gareth Beattie’s wife was in one of those depressed and lacklustre moods that sometimes affect the natives of Scotia.

Her effervescent hubby tried to turn her frown upside down.

“Just remember,” he twinkled, “life is a rollercoaster.”

His wife failed to give him a twinkle in return.

“I hate rollercoasters,” she snarled. “They cost a fortune and make you puke.”

And, constant reader, her frown did not turn upside down. It didn’t even swivel as much as 45 degrees.

Bill Thompson concludes that the guy wire must be the chap who pulls the strings…Bill Thompson concludes that the guy wire must be the chap who pulls the strings… (Image: Contributed)


Getting shirty

STROLLING along Sauchiehall Street is similar to having a front row seat at an haute couture fashion show in Paris, for you will see the most exotic clothes imaginable.

Unlike the Paris catwalk, the models on display in Sauchiehall Street are slightly less svelte, and are mostly carrying shopping bags from Tesco.

Diary correspondent Craig Johnson spotted one male fashionista wearing a T-shirt with an intriguing message across the chest, for it read "Easily distracted by ducks".

Craig tells the Diary: “I felt sorry for the poor chap. I wonder if there’s something he can get for it on the NHS?”


Jaded Jack

PROSPEROUS passengers can often pay for a boarding pass that gets them on the plane extra quick.

According to comic actor and star of Scot Squad, Jack Docherty, such deals are not all they’re cracked up to be.

Grumbles Jack: “Let’s face it, speedy boarding is just speedy waiting.”


Clock watching

THE teenage son of reader Jenny Hatton struggles to drag himself out of bed in the morning, meaning he’s often late for university.

Jenny had a word with him about this serious matter, resulting in the surly fellow replying: “I could easily be a morning person. If morning was at 3pm.”


Hair-raising situation

FORGET tickets for a Shakespeare play. If you want a genuine heart-wrenching drama, the best place to witness one is a Glasgow bus.

Which is where reader Mary Burke was when she overheard two teenage girls chatting.

In a mournful voice, one gal said: “I went to the hairdresser the other day and got my hair scrunched. Next morning, I completely forgot I’d done it and took a shower. Now it’s back tae normal.”

“So you de-scrunchified yer own hair?” commiserated her pal. ”Wit a pure tragedy.”


Energy drink

FACT of the day from reader Donna Barker, who tells us: “Did you know that 14  muscles are used to open a bottle of wine? So wine is basically fruit salad and exercise.”