How can deserting the SNP for Labour be described as a change for the better?

The fall-out from the General Election continues to be a hot topic on our Letters Pages.

Earlier this week, one of our correspondents argued that voters had been “conned” by Labour’s promises of change.

Read that letter here 👈

Today, a reader asks why “our left-leaning, pro-European, immigrant-friendly Scottish nation has been enticed into deserting the SNP”.

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(Image: Newsquest)

Willie Maclean of Milngavie writes:

"Like Ruth Marr (Letters, July 8) I regret the fact that so many among our Scottish nation decided to vote Labour last week. She says they have been conned but I would class their behaviour as sleep-walking.

"Anyone even half awake during Keir Starmer's tenure as party leader must have noted how his every word and deed has been so carefully chosen to appeal to those who had voted Conservative last time. His strategy paid off handsomely in urban areas of England where the only choice available to voters disillusioned with the Conservatives was between Mr Starmer's new-look brand of Tories and the Bungee Jump Party, which was preferred in leafier areas where old Labour's cloth cap and blue collar image has never been acceptable.

"Our left-leaning, pro-European, immigrant-friendly Scottish nation has been enticed into deserting the SNP, with all its faults and failings, in favour of a right wing, Brexit-tolerant, immigrant averse, pro-Israel party. How can this be described as a change for the better?"

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