THE chief executive of Wimbledon has dropped a broad hint that a statue of Andy Murray could be on the cards once his amazing playing career draws to an an end.

I can think of no other British tennis player who deserves the accolade more. A statue of Sir Andy in the Wimbledon grounds would be appropriate company for the statue of Fred Perry.

Murray has been a brilliant competitor at home and abroad and deserves every one of his triumphs, from his dozens of singles titles, his Grand Slam victories and his Olympic golds, He’s a force of nature and has done so much to promote tennis.

It is such a pity that his distinguished career has been curtailed by the effects of wear and tear on his body. He has fought tenaciously to keep going.

I hope he is able to join his brother on the doubles courts at Wimbledon but, in the meantime, I would like to say that if Wimbledon is happy to consider building a statue of him, why can’t his native Scotland? I can’t think of a single Scot who would demur at the suggestion.
S McKenzie, Glasgow.


News delayed by talking heads
I AM not a great television sports fan though have enjoyed watching Wimbledon and the Euros. I can appreciate that it would be wrong to fail to extend viewing where there is extra time and even penalties, but I do object to waiting for my news for an additional period to listen to pundits discussing the match.

Come on, you sports fans. You have enjoyed seeing the extended viewing, please let us have our delayed news as soon after the final whistle as possible. If the pundits’ explanations are necessary, why not scrub the actual match and just listen to their explanation of the highlights and what happened and why?
James Watson, Dunbar, East Lothian.


Keeper’s reverse hat-trick
DOES Diogo Costa, the Portugese goalie who saved the first three penalties in a row against Slovenia, get to keep a match ball? I’ve watched a lot of football over the years and don’t recall ever seeing a feat like that. Taking into consideration the standard of competition and the skill of the players taking the kicks I would have thought that Costa merited the memento of a match ball. Over to Uefa?
Alastair Bale, Giffnock, Glasgow.


We’re sea-blind. Here’s a solution
WITH councils short of money, it is perhaps no surprise that none was forthcoming to be the national host for Armed Forces Day on Saturday, June 29.

Some folk will be pleased at the lower profile of HM Forces that weekend but perhaps it is they who most need reminding that the principal role of the armed forces is deterrence of conflict, security of our islands and our 14 Overseas Territories, and the protection of trade, 95% by volume of which is by sea.

While state ceremonial in London and Edinburgh brings to the fore soldiers and RAF aircraft, the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Royal Fleet Auxiliary remain out of sight, over the horizon and out of mind. There used to be Navy Days in the naval base ports, ships open to visitors, but no longer – Britain is sea blind.

Britons pay for the Royal Navy and should, on occasion, be able to see the ships and meet the men and women. Perhaps the new government should consider introducing a national Navy Day? I would favour its being on June 1 each year – the anniversary of a battle, the Glorious First of June (1794).
It would be good, too, to see the splendid White Ensign on public buildings nationwide, especially Old Admiralty Building, Somerset House and Admiralty Arch in London.
Lester May (Lieutenant Commander, Royal Navy – retired), London.

Is net zero really a good idea for Scots?
SCOTLAND is experiencing a somewhat bleak, cold, wet and windy summer. To add to the misery, the relentless search for net zero means we are being forced to lose our gas central heating and even our fossil-fuelled transport in a currently futile search for workable alternatives which will, in all probability, be very costly.

Isn’t it about time we paused and reconsidered if net zero is really a good idea for Scotland and just how much difference Scotland’s contribution would make to world pollution levels anyway? We ought not to be turning on our heating mid-summer so surely Scotland needs a different solution from other parts of the planet. One size certainly does not fit all.
Dr Gerald Edwards, Glasgow.


Paisley’s rich artistic tradition
HOW pleasing it was to read that Paolo Nutini, the Scottish music icon from Paisley, has chosen to appear in a show in the Town Hall of his hometown (‘Star Nutini announces new show’, June 28) and that, as a consequence, money is to be raised for two charities, one of them local.

Paisley does have something of a musical tradition to which Nutini has added in a major fashion with his many chart successes, including albums These Streets and Sunny Side Up. That tradition has included, for example, the works of Robert Tannahill (1774-1810), the “Weaver Poet” who gave us Thou Bonnie Wood of Craigieilee; Kenneth McKellar (1927-2010), one of the most accomplished classical tenors of his generation; and Gerry Rafferty (1947-2011), the singer, songwriter and musician famous for such hits as Baker Street and Stuck In the Middle with You.Paolo Nutini adds much to the publicity and renown generated for Paisley by those personalities.
Ian W Thomson, Lenzie.


Toasting The Herald over breakfast
THE Herald newspaper and its predecessor, the Glasgow Herald, have, for as long as l can remember, been printed in broadsheet form and, in a strange sort of way, l think it has made them stand out from the rest. Having said that, is it time for a change? My broadsheet has a constant battle with the toast and marmalade for space on the breakfast table as l try to fold it to a readable size. 

The sport supplement and Herald on Sunday are in tabloid size, therefore there can’t be a production problem. Perhaps there is a very good reason? Public opinion and/or popular demand even? Any other grumpy auld guys willing to express a 2024 opinion in these columns? 
William Dalgleish, Sanquhar.