IN comparing the technology of the arch to the lintel, the once-renowned architect Alexander Greek Thomson provocatively argued that Stonehenge was more scientifically constructed than York Minster. Thomson's works are now treated with ignominy but thousands of years of our island story can be experienced on the streets of Glasgow by drawing a mysterious horizontal line all the way back from his Victorian masterpieces to those huge monoliths near Salisbury plain.

A number of years ago I had the privilege of witnessing the winter solstice at Stonehenge. The space was filled with old and new-age hippies, all of them decked out in their gaudy, ill-fitting finery. Some danced to the lutes that were playing a pastiche of medieval music, and some just lay on their back looking at heaven knows what. Irrespective of the kitsch, clichéd paganism, standing in that ring of stones waiting for the winter light was a profound experience. The news that the monument has been desecrated by Just Stop Oil activists has not endeared me to their cause ("Just Stop Oil activists bailed after Stonehenge sprayed with orange paint", heraldscotland, June 20).

Just Stop Oil and their ilk are not friendly, partying pagans, they are malevolent extremists who are evidently determined to break, ruin and destroy our culture. From book festivals to artworks and, now, to our ancient monuments, nothing can be considered safe or sacred.

Sadly, the governing progressives, who should have proscribed these organisations, have themselves encouraged and enabled an expansion of legitimacy towards law-breaking. The liberal cultural elite, who should have been protecting and preserving our heritage, have courted and promoted a hypercritical and decolonising agenda mostly imported from a different country with an entirely different history. And the penal system has been so emasculated that even if there were the will to prosecute such acts as social terrorism, there wouldn't be a cell. The Establishment will not act because the Establishment is, and has been, complicit in the acts of these extremists.

It has been said that a great nation is great because of its art, its words, and its deeds. Well, our art is spray-painted over, our words are policed, and our deeds are repudiated. It is sadly true that we are no longer a great nation. We are more than broken. We are a nation in decline. Whether the last-minute charge of Nigel Farage turns out to be more Balaclava than Waterloo yet remains to be seen. But if he can sustain the momentum, with more and more young people turning away from the nihilistic despair offered by the far-left and the eco-extremists, it won't just be Nigel that's back. It's Britain that'll be back.

Graeme Arnott, Stewarton.

• SO here we have what many had forgotten: urban air pollution is a major health issue ('"Doctors in call for ‘urgent action’ to cut air pollution", The Herald, June 20). Forget climate change and the scam known as net zero; we have to get the worst polluters off our roads.

This report, produced for Clean Air Day, supports the aims of the Just Stop Oil movement, though we should accept gas as a transition fuel while renewables (especially tidal) take over.

George Morton, Rosyth (Independent candidate in Dunfermline & Dollar).

READ MORE: Let's have less hypocrisy over the vandalism of Savile's cottage

READ MORE: Why is climate change not front and centre of this election?

The case for nuclear

I NOTE with interest Vicky Allan's excellent article ("The battle for the future of Scotland’s energy is key election focal point", The Herald, June 18). I would like to disagree with one or two statements.

Unfortunately the politicians are not focusing on the main issues or addressing the infrastructure investment required. Oil and gas extraction from the North Sea is not the main issue as the UK will require these to be produced locally or imported in substantial amounts for the next 25 years. It makes economic sense not to be totally dependent on imports. Those who propose increasing substantial capacity of onshore and offshore wind generation fail to recognise that the grid can only cope with this increase if there is a corresponding increase in the amount of gas generators to stabilise the grid. Where will the gas come from?

Ms Allan also says “there are valid pragmatic and economic arguments against nuclear”. The safety record of nuclear is one of the best of all the sources of power generation in the UK. Do misinformed views apply to “pragmatic arguments?”.

There is no economic argument against nuclear. Hinkley Point C power station was considered to be too expensive with an initial strike price of £92 per MWh in 2014 subject to inflation. This strike price in September 2023 was £128 per MWh. If this plant had been built with public sector borrowing the strike price today would be approximately £88 per MWh. Compare these nuclear prices to the current licence agreements the Government has agreed for offshore wind with energy companies earlier this year. Initially the Government offered these at £120 per MWh but none was taken up and these were renegotiated and accepted at £176 per MWh. I would suggest there is an economic argument against offshore wind compared with nuclear.

It should also be noted the strike price for offshore wind is misleading as these plants are intermittent and need back-up to stabilise the grid which require additional investments.

Charles Scott, Edinburgh.

What does the future hold for energy distribution?What does the future hold for energy distribution? (Image: PA)

In praise of private estates

REWILDING Britain reports that 123 jobs have been created in Scotland by the organisation since 2008 on the 60,000 hectares of land it manages ("Rewilding sites have seen 400% increase in jobs since 2008, research finds", The Herald, June 19).

All rural jobs are to be welcomed, but the organisation would do well to take note of the huge contribution made by private landowners to nature recovery, connecting communities and combating climate change through policies such as woodland creation, river re-winding, hedgerow planting and peatland restoration.

Around 1.2 million people already enjoy the natural environment of Scotland’s estates each year and there is open access to our beautiful hills, lochs and moors.

Scottish estates support around 57,300 jobs and generate an estimated £2.4 billion GVA/year for the Scottish economy through activities such as farming, forestry, energy, leisure and tourism, as well as shooting, stalking and fishing.

The role of estates in supporting green jobs, local businesses and economies, mental and physical wellbeing as well as stewarding Scotland’s natural capital is key to Scotland’s sustainable future.

Ross Ewing, Director of Moorland, Scottish Land & Estates, Musselburgh.