There was worrying news earlier this week when we exclusively revealed that Scottish ministers are missing key targets to cut the number of people killed on our roads.

Read our report here 👈Today one of our readers argues that the solution is for the courts to crack down on bad drivers.

Patricia Fort of Glasgow writes:

"Your article on road deaths and injuries makes for very disturbing reading for any of us who use our roads. I truly hope that the £36 million for road safety in this year's budget will be spent wisely, but I fear that it will be frittered on posters and adverts, rather than on tackling the main cause of all these injuries and deaths, which is poor and dangerous driving.

Time and time again we see drivers who have killed people getting ridiculously light sentences, or not even being deprived of their driving licence if they plead that they need it for work. This completely ignores the fact that the person they have killed can't even work any more, let alone drive to work.

There will be no significant reduction in road deaths until driving incidents that cause death and injury are treated seriously. If someone drives in such a manner as to cause death or injury then it should be clear to everyone, in the vast majority of cases, that they are not driving correctly. In addition to any prison sentence, or other appropriate sentence, such a driver must sit a full driving test and pass it before being allowed to drive again.

Being allowed to drive is a privilege, not a right."