Hairy situation

A SINGLE friend of reader Victoria Whitehead revealed that she has started dating a new fella.

Victoria congratulated her, though the friend didn’t seem overly delighted with her new situation.

“I’m not entirely sure he’s right for me,” she explained, adding ominously: “He has a beard.”

Victoria inquired why this was such a drawback in the dating stakes.

“I keep imagining what sort of face is lurking under that thing,” shuddered her friend. “It could be Brad Pitt or Nigel Farage. How can I tell?”


Mystery girl

WE mentioned a certain American pop music princess, leading reader Mike Wagner to ruefully admit: “I’m so out of touch with modern culture that I assumed Taylor Swift is someone who can sew the buttons on your jacket really quickly.”


Tome = tomb

EDINBURGH English teacher Gail Martin was saddened by the recent death of Paul Auster, her favourite novelist.

Discussing his passing with one of her classes, she admitted that knowing he is no longer alive has changed her relationship with his fiction in some indefinable way.

“Do you think it matters to you whether your favourite author is living or dead?” Gail asked the pupils.

They merely shrugged, with one girl answering: “I kinda thought that the only way you can have a book in the shops is if you’re dead.”


Magic moments

OBSERVANT reader Chris Robertson noticed that his wife was no longer using one of her favourite phrases, "touch wood", so he asked her why.

“I’ve decided to stop being so superstitious,” she admitted. “It’ll only bring me bad luck.”


Home improvements

WE asked our readers to imagine a daring yet kindly cat burglar who only breaks into houses to steal objects that will mildly inconvenience his victims.

“If such a robber genuinely existed,” says Jenny Harris, “I assume he’d steal my husband.

“It would result in the lawn being unmown and dirty dishes in the sink. In other words, no difference to when my husband is around.”


Shopping slip-up

THE other day Matt Lloyd was leaving the supermarket when a random bloke approached, then quickly backed off, saying: “Sorry, thought you were someone else.”

Matt immediately fired back: “If I’m not the person you thought I was, then you’re absolutely right - I am someone else.”

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No exit

“ONE of the problems faced by the modern homeowner is that it’s impossible to evict a yoga instructor squatting in your house,” reveals reader Douglas Clarke. “Every time you ask her to leave she says, ‘Namaste’.”