I READ Doug Marr's article regarding the danger of speedy and inconsiderate cyclists ("Cyclists are a risk to us mature walkers", The Herald, June 19) with interest. I am a mature cyclist, with an e-bike, and in my travels around our country lanes I also encounter the same speed merchants, whizzing about, shouting "I'm passing on the right", no bells heard.

However, I also have to slow down to negotiate the many walkers scattered across the narrow roads, plugged into their music and oblivious of any traffic, or attached to dogs on strings, the animals foraging in the hedgerows, while the owners chat on the phone.

Add in speeding boy racers (who try to run me into a ditch) and gigantic tractors (which you don't argue with, ever) and you have a rich mix of road users and competing interests

We all need to have equal respect for road users, and we need to pay attention.

Allan McDougall, Neilston.

IT is a sad sign of going back to the '"old normal" when the Letters Pages return to complaints about cyclists on the pavements (Letters, June 17).

We had a glorious period immediately after lockdown. Pedestrians and cyclists co-operated in a demonstration of what a "new normal"' could look like. Near motor-traffic-free roads were calm, quiet with lovely clean air and freedom from the usual constant anxiety of a crash, for those on foot or bikes.

The result was a surge in new, returning and family cycling which was a joy to see. Money was quickly allotted for exciting-sounding plans to reorder our city and encourage this happy creation of active travel to become the norm. Unfortunately, apart from a couple of try-out examples, the ambitious proposals have not materialised.

Very soon the car-owner-virus kicked in. Empty streets and, significantly, no parking costs encouraged people back into their cars to buzz around, often apace. These vehicles were then left along the curbs on double yellows and pavements. Vehicle clutter and speeding hazards can seem worse than before.

The try-outs, children and nervous cyclists soon got squeezed off the roads and onto the pavements for their own safety. These anxious riders usually kept social distance and were careful of pedestrians. Many then gave up. The chance for everyone having a share of the space available has been mostly overtaken up by un-garaged vehicles; for now.

Let’s hope Glasgow City Council's bold plans to promote active travel get implemented quickly. Then when the free parking goes, drivers may again be encouraged to enjoy the benefit of cycling.

Peter Hayman, Glasgow.

STUART Neville (Letters, June 17) is indeed fortunate that he has avoided hospital stays. Some 12 years ago when I was cycling (on the road) to work I was knocked down by a car turning left into me, resulting in a broken elbow, my first and only, general anaesthetic during my overnight stay in hospital and a week off work. The driver was charged with careless driving and I got some recompense from my insurance.

However, many people, either cycling or walking, who are hit by motor vehicles, either as they cycle on the road, walk across a road, walk on the footpath or even wait in a bus shelter are not so lucky and they end up in a coffin. The death and carnage on our roads caused by motor vehicles is truly terrifying.

So why do so many people cycle on the footway? I don't know without asking them but I guess it's because they know how dangerous the roads are, how bad many people's driving is and they just can't find a safe, protected cycleway that takes them where they are going.

The answer is to control the cars, provide good cycleways and make sure there is enough room for pedestrians to walk safely.

Patricia Fort, Glasgow G1.