TODAY (March 18) I watched two East Ayrshire traffic wardens recording car registration numbers in a free, two-hour maximum waiting zone presumably to issue parking tickets, which could cost drivers anything between £30-£90, if they happen to exceed their allowable time (even by a few minutes).

To an extent I could understand it if the streets were busy and there was a need to ensure that everyone received an equal opportunity to park, but the streets are virtually deserted.

In view of the current very worrying state of affairs regarding the potential mayhem affecting the population not only in terms of their health but also in terms of their job and thus financial situation why, when even the UK Government recognises that employers and perhaps more importantly employees in all sectors need very significant financial assistance packages, are local authorities continuing with a policy of issuing fines to motorists?

John S Milligan, Kilmarnock.

Spaceport fears

THE continuing debate over plans for a spaceport in Sutherland were highlighted in Mike Merritt’s article ("Scotland’s largest landowner steps up fight against spaceport", The Herald, March 16). One aspect not covered was the potential for military use.

The project was launched at the 2018 Farnborough Airshow with defence and aerospace company Lockheed Martin leading its development. The initial focus is on commercial activity but the potential for military applications has been appreciated from its inception. The journal Defense News reported the expectation of Air Vice-Marshall Simon Rochelle of the Royal Air Force that the spaceport could launch military reconnaissance satellites. He added that the UK could "use the Melness location to get operationally relevant assets into space, ideally within 72 hours of need".

The main concern of those locally opposed to the plan is the adverse environmental impact, but they should also be aware of the potential for militarisation of the area.

Duncan MacIntyre and Eric Chester, Scottish Peace Network, Eaglesham.

Legend remembered

HOW very sad to read of the death of the erstwile Herald journalist Jack Webster ("Son pays tribute as popular Herald columnist Jack Webster dies, aged 88", The Herald, March 18, and Letters March 19).

The news prompted me to look again at the collections of articles contained in his books The Express Years and The Herald Years, both very kindly inscribed by Jack during his visit to the Old Glasgow Club on October 14, 1999.

Quite an evening, as I remember; Jack, of course, made it for us, with his humour, and many tales, so vividly told. To think that more than 20 years have gone, and, with them, now, poor Jack; gone, yes – but, most certainly, not forgotten. Here’s to you, Jack.

Brian D Henderson, President, Old Glasgow Club, Glasgow G42.

Loud applause

BRIAN Beacom ("What should you tell a dementia sufferer about virus?", The Herald, March 19) gratuitously opines "aren't NHS hearing aids rubbish? " Not so. I have consistently used my NHS hearing aids for the past seven years and would commend them for reliability and endurance. Indeed, on the one and only time of complaint I was asked "When did you last have the aids serviced?" my reply of "perhaps two years ago" was met with a withering stare and answer "six monthly service recommended … 12 months at most".

I heard and took the message loud and clear … normal service has prevailed ever since.

Allan C Steele, Giffnock.

The gift of TV

WITH regard to the TV licence fee for the over 75s (Letters, March 13, 16, 1&18), would the solution be for the BBC to introduce a gift card? I cannot think of a better gift to give to an elderly relative or friend at Christmas or birthday time.

Scott Simpson, Glasgow G12.