NEVER figured Theresa May would be vaunted in this column but the PM, addresing the UN in NY, warmed this cold heart. “I do not always enjoy reading what the media in my country writes about me , but I will defend their right to say it.”

Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn argued; “Here, a free Press has far too often meant the freedom to spread lies and half truths.” Have the main leaders been on a dogma swap programme?

WONDER why it took journalist website Bellingcat to discover one the of Salisbury poisoners had trained at a top Russian military academy? Couldn’t MI5 or the CIA have Googled it?


NAUGHTY of Emily Maitlis to go barrel shooting of the political fish that is Diane Abbott when thrown a quote by the Newsnight presenter, claiming the party has become a “middle-class, London-centric, Uber-liberal, youth-obsessed party that is handing P45s to Labour MPs in the North.” Abbott exclaimed; “You are reading from a Tory script!” Maitlis hid a grin as she pointed out the quote was actually from a Labour party member.

KYLIE claims her her new love, the boss of GQ magazine boss, doesn’t compare to others. Don’t tempt fate, Kylie! We’ve seen you lose out too many times in the past.